
2024-09-27 00:19:04 发布

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from os.path import join, dirname, abspath
import xlrd

theirBookFileName = join(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))), 'pycel', 'theirBook.xlsx')

ourBookFileName = join(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))), 'pycel', 'ourBook.xlsx')

theirBook = xlrd.open_workbook(theirBookFileName)

ourBook = xlrd.open_workbook(ourBookFileName)

theirSheet = theirBook.sheet_by_index(0)

ourSheet = ourBook.sheet_by_index(0)

theirSimColumn = theirSheet.col(1)

ourSimColumn = ourSheet.col(1)

numColsTheirSheet = theirSheet.ncols

numRowsTheirSheet = theirSheet.nrows

numColsOurSheet = ourSheet.ncols

numRowsOurSheet = ourSheet.nrows

# First Attempt at the comparison, but fails and returns 454 entries from the bigger list
unpaidSims = [d for d in theirSimColumn if d not in ourSimColumn]
print unpaidSims
lengthOfUnpaidSims = len(unpaidSims)
print lengthOfUnpaidSims
print "\nWe are expecting 93 entries in this new list"

# Second Attempt at the comparison, but fails and returns 454 entries from the bigger list
s = set(ourSimColumn)
unpaidSims = [x for x in theirSimColumn if x not in s]
print unpaidSims
lengthOfUnpaidSims = len(unpaidSims)
print lengthOfUnpaidSims

# Third Attempt at the comparison, but fails and returns 454 entries from the bigger list
unpaidSims = tuple(set(theirSimColumn) - set(ourSimColumn))
print unpaidSims
lengthOfUnpaidSims = len(unpaidSims)
print lengthOfUnpaidSims

Tags: theinfrom列表条目entriesprintdirname
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-27 00:19:04

根据xlrd Documentationcol方法返回“给定列中的Cell对象序列”

它没有提到Cell对象的比较。深入研究the source,他们似乎没有在类中编写任何比较方法。因此,Python documentation表示将通过“对象标识”来比较对象。换句话说,比较将是False,除非它们是Cell类的完全相同的实例,即使它们包含的值是相同的


unpaidSims = set(sim.value for sim in theirSimColumn) - set(sim.value for sim in ourSimColumn)

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