
2024-09-27 07:28:59 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


  Lowercase = set("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
  Digits = set("0123456789")
  AllowedSymbols = set("!$%^&*()-_=+")

  if any ((c in Uppercase)for c in UserPassword):
    print ("You have used at least one uppercase letter. 5 points have been awarded.")
    TotalScore = TotalScore + 5
    if any ((c in Lowercase)for c in UserPassword):
      print ("You have used at least one lowercase letter. 5 points have been awarded.")
      TotalScore = TotalScore + 5
      if any ((c in Digits)for c in UserPassword):
        print ("You hve used at least one digit. 5 points have been awarded.")
        TotalScore = TotalScore + 5
        if any ((c in AllowedSymbols)for c in UserPassword):
          print ("You have used at least one of the allowed symbols. 5 points have been awarded.")
          TotalScore = TotalScore + 5
          if any ((c in Uppercase)for c in UserPassword) and any ((c in Lowercase)for c in UserPassword) and ((c in Digits)for c in UserPassword) and ((c in AllowedSymbols)for c in UserPassword): 
            print ("You have used at least one of all the allowed characters. 10 point have been awarded")
            TotalScore = TotalScore + 10
    print (" You haven't used any of the allowed characters so no points have been awarded.")

  print ("The score for your password so far is",TotalScore)

有人能告诉我哪里出了问题吗? 谢谢你

Tags: inyouforifhaveanyoneat


TotalScore = 0
UserPassword = raw_input("> ")

Lowercase = set("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
Digits = set("0123456789")
AllowedSymbols = set("!$%^&*()-_=+")

if any ((c in Uppercase)for c in UserPassword):
    print ("You have used at least one uppercase letter. 5 points have been awarded.")
    TotalScore = TotalScore + 5
    if any ((c in Lowercase)for c in UserPassword):
        print ("You have used at least one lowercase letter. 5 points have been awarded.")
        TotalScore = TotalScore + 5
        if any ((c in Digits)for c in UserPassword):
            print ("You hve used at least one digit. 5 points have been awarded.")
            TotalScore = TotalScore + 5
            if any ((c in AllowedSymbols)for c in UserPassword):
                print ("You have used at least one of the allowed symbols. 5 points have been awarded.")
                TotalScore = TotalScore + 5
                if any ((c in Uppercase)for c in UserPassword) and any ((c in Lowercase)for c in UserPassword) and ((c in Digits)for c in UserPassword) and ((c in AllowedSymbols)for c in UserPassword): 
                    print ("You have used at least one of all the allowed characters. 10 point have been awarded")
                    TotalScore = TotalScore + 10
    print (" You haven't used any of the allowed characters so no points have been awarded.")

print ("The score for your password so far is",TotalScore)


You have used at least one uppercase letter. 5 points have been awarded.
You have used at least one lowercase letter. 5 points have been awarded.
You hve used at least one digit. 5 points have been awarded.
You have used at least one of the allowed symbols. 5 points have been awarded.
You have used at least one of all the allowed characters. 10 point have been awarded
('The score for your password so far is', 30)

但是,根据您构建代码的方式,如果用户只输入“a”,则脚本返回:You haven't used any of the allowed characters so no points have been awarded. ('The score for your password so far is', 0),这不是有效的返回,因为“a”是允许的字符。看看你的逻辑和缩进,看看你是否可以得到任何有效的输入,以奖励点


import string

TotalScore = 0
passwd = set(UserPassword) # create set from UserPassword
Uppercase = set(string.ascii_uppercase)
Lowercase = set(string.ascii_lowercase)
Digits = set(string.digits)
AllowedSymbols = set("!$%^&*()-_=+")

if passwd.intersection(Uppercase):
    print ("You have used at least one uppercase letter. 5 points have been awarded.")
    TotalScore += 5
if passwd.intersection(Lowercase):
    print ("You have used at least one lowercase letter. 5 points have been awarded.")
    TotalScore += 5
if passwd.intersection(Digits):
    print ("You have used at least one digit. 5 points have been awarded.")
    TotalScore += 5
if passwd.intersection(AllowedSymbols):
    print ("You have used at least one of the allowed symbols. 5 points have been awarded.")
    TotalScore += 5
if passwd.intersection(Uppercase.union(Lowercase, Digits, AllowedSymbols)):
    print ("You have used at least one of all the allowed characters. 10 point have been awarded")
    TotalScore += 10
    print ("You haven't used any of the allowed characters so no points have been awarded.")

print ("The score for your password so far is", TotalScore)


if (password satisfies some condition) add points,
   if (password ALSO satisfies some other condition) add points


if (password satisfies some condition) add points
if (password satisfies some other condition) add points

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