
2024-09-30 16:21:43 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


wrong = ['top up','national call']
old = ['Hi Whats with ','hola man top up','binga dingo','on a national call']
new = ['Hi Whats with', 'binga dingo']

Tags: 字符串列表top错误withcallhiold
>>> wrong = ['top up','national call']
>>> old = ['Hi Whats with ','hola man top up','binga dingo','on a national call']
>>> [i for i in old if all(x not in i for x in wrong)]
['Hi Whats with ', 'binga dingo']


>>> list(filter(lambda x:not any(w in x for w in wrong), old))
['Hi Whats with ', 'binga dingo']

或者,a list comprehension

>>> [i for i in old if not any(x in i for x in wrong)]
['Hi Whats with ', 'binga dingo']


>>> result = []
>>> for i in old:
...     for x in wrong:
...         if x in i:
...             break
...     else: 
...         result.append(i)
>>> result
['Hi Whats with ', 'binga dingo']

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