将句子从句号、逗号和“& bu”分解成各部分

2024-09-30 18:21:07 发布

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sentence = "Very disorganized and hard professor. Does not come to classes on time, she grades tough, does not help on anything. She says come for help but when you go to her office hour, she is not there to help."

我想把这个句子分成句号、逗号和&;的几个部分;但是。 输出应该是

Very disorganized 
and hard professor. 
Does not come to classes on time, 
she grades tough, 
does not help on anything. 
She says come for help 
but when you go to her office hour, 
she is not there to help. 


sample = re.split(r' *[\.\?!][\'"\)\]]* *', sentence)

print (sample)

这只会打断句号。 输出

['Very disorganized and hard professor', 'Does not come to classes on time, she grades tough, does not help on anything', 'She says come for help but when you go to her office hour, she is not there to help']


Tags: andtotimeonnothelpclassesvery


for x in ['.', ',', 'and', 'but']:
   sentence=sentence.replace(x, x+'\n')



Very disorganized and
 hard professor.
 Does not come to classes on time,
 she grades tough,
 does not help on anything.
 She says come for help but
 when you go to her office hour,
 she is not there to help.



>>> import re   
>>> sentence = "Very disorganized and hard professor. Does not come to classes on time, she grades tough, does not help on anything. She says come for help but when you go to her office hour, she is not there to help."  
>>> sample = re.sub(r'(and|\.|but|,)', r'\1\n', sentence)
>>> sample
Very disorganized and
 hard professor.
 Does not come to classes on time,
 she grades tough,
 does not help on anything.
 She says come for help but
 when you go to her office hour,
 she is not there to help.


>>> re.sub(r'(and|\.|but|,)', r'\1\n', sentence).split('\n')
['Very disorganized and', ' hard professor.', ' Does not come to classes on time,', ' she grades tough,', ' does not help on anything.', ' She says come for help but', ' when you go to her office hour,', ' she is not there to help.', '']


sample = re.sub(r'(and|\.|but|,)(?:\s)', r'\1\n', sentence)


Result=re.split(r'[.,&]', sentence)

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