
2024-09-30 20:31:15 发布

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# Importing random module
import random
# User input
difficulty = int(input("Please choose your difficultie: 1 = Easy, 2 = Medium, 3 = Hard, 4 = Random difficulty"))
# Adding the random difficulty option
if difficulty == 4:
    difficulty = random.randint(0,4)
    if difficulty == 1:
        difficult = "Easy"
    elif difficulty == 2:
        difficult = "Medium"
    elif difficulty == 3:
        difficult = "Hard"
    print("The random difficulty that has been chosen is ", difficult)
# Setting up variables
# Heroes
a = "Spiderman, "
b = "Superman, "
c = "Batman, "
# Villains
aa = "fighting the Green Goblin, "
bb = "fighting Doomsday, "
cc = "fighting The Joker, "
# Circumstances
aaa = "on top of a Skyscraper"
bbb = "in the Streets of Metropolis"
ccc = "inside The Batcave"
# Powers 
aaaa = "with weather control powers, "
bbbb = "with sound control powers, "
cccc = "without superpowers, "
# Villain Powers 
aaaaa = "who is invisible, "
bbbbb = "who has a big laser-beam, "
ccccc = "who has a remotely controlled tornado, "

# Choosing the random variables for easy difficulty
if difficulty == 1:
    final_hero = random.choice([a, b, c])
    final_villain = random.choice([aa, bb, cc])
    final_circumstance = random.choice([aaa, bbb, ccc])
    final_string_easy = final_hero + final_villain + final_circumstance

# Choosing the random variables for medium difficulty
if difficulty == 2:
    final_hero = random.choice([a, b, c])
    final_villain = random.choice([aa, bb, cc])
    final_circumstance = random.choice([aaa, bbb, ccc])
    final_power = random.choice([aaaa, bbbb, cccc])
    final_string_medium = final_hero + final_power + final_villain + final_circumstance 

# Choosing the random variables for hard difficulty
if difficulty == 3:
    final_hero = random.choice([a, b, c])
    final_villain = random.choice([aa, bb, cc])
    final_circumstance = random.choice([aaa, bbb, ccc])
    final_power = random.choice([aaaa, bbbb, cccc])
    final_villain_power = random.choice([aaaaa, bbbbb, ccccc])
    final_string_hard = final_hero + final_power + final_villain + final_villain_power + final_circumstance


Tags: thestringifrandomvariablesfinalaapower


您的问题是,您提供的选项是1, 2, 3,而您使用randint来选择0, 1, 2, 3, 4不匹配的选项

if difficulty == 4:
    difficulty = random.randint(0,4)
    if difficulty == 1:
        difficult = "Easy"
    elif difficulty == 2:
        difficult = "Medium"
    elif difficulty == 3:
        difficult = "Hard"


from random import randint, choice

parts = {
    'Heroes': ['Spiderman, ', 'Superman, ', 'Batman, '],
    'Villians': [
        'fighting the Green Goblin, ', 'fighting Doomsday, ', 'fighting the Joker, '
    'Circumstances': [
        'on top of a Skyscraper ', 'in the Streets of Metropolis ', 'inside The Batcave '
    'Powers': [
        'with weather control powers, ', 'with sound control powers, ', 'without superpowers, '   ],
    'Villian Powers': [
        'who is invisible.', 'who has a big laser-beam. ',
        'who has a remotely controlled tornado. '

options = list(parts.keys())

mode = {1: options[:-2], 2: options[:-1], 3: options}

diff = int(input('Choose difficulty 1 - 3 (4 == random): '))
if diff == 4:
    diff = randint(1, 3)

final_s = ''
for i in mode[diff]:
    final_s += choice(parts[i])

Choose difficulty 1 - 3 (4 == random): 4
Spiderman, fighting Doomsday, inside The Batcave 

Choose difficulty 1 - 3 (4 == random): 3
Superman, fighting the Joker, inside The Batcave with weather control powers, who is invisible.


import random
football = int(input("Please choose your difficulty: 1 = Easy, 2 = Medium, 3 = Hard, 4 = Random difficulty"))
if football == 4:
    football = random.randint(0,4)
    if football == 1:
        bananas = "Easy"
    elif football == 2:
        bananas = "Medium"
    elif football == 3:
        bananas = "Hard"
    print("The random difficulty that has been chosen is ", bananas)




football = random.randint(1,3)

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