
2024-10-01 04:54:55 发布

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import pygame
import sys
from pygame.locals import *


BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255,   0,   0)
BACKGROUND_COLOR = (198, 187, 133)
indexList = ["a1", "a2", "a3", "b1", "b2", "b3", "c1", "c2", "c3"]

gameFinished = False

def game_loop():
    global DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, displaySurface, gameFinished

    FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock()

    displaySurface = pygame.display.set_mode((DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT))
    pygame.display.set_caption("Tic Tac Toe")
    pygame.draw.line(displaySurface, BLACK, (140, 20), (140, 380), 10)
    pygame.draw.line(displaySurface, BLACK, (260, 20), (260, 380), 10)
    pygame.draw.line(displaySurface, BLACK, (20, 140), (380, 140), 10)
    pygame.draw.line(displaySurface, BLACK, (20, 260), (380, 260), 10)
    box1 = pygame.Rect(20, 20, 120, 120)
    box2 = pygame.Rect(140, 20, 120,120)
    box3 = pygame.Rect(260, 20, 120, 120)
    box4 = pygame.Rect(20, 140, 120, 120)
    box5 = pygame.Rect(140, 140, 120, 120)
    box6 = pygame.Rect(260, 140, 120, 120)
    box7 = pygame.Rect(20, 260, 120, 120)
    box8 = pygame.Rect(140, 260, 120, 120)
    box9 = pygame.Rect(260, 260, 120, 120)
    circle = pygame.image.load("circle.png")
    cross = pygame.image.load("cross.png")
    boardBoxes = [box1, box2, box3,  box4, box5, box6, box7, box8, box9]
    mouseY = 0
    mouseX = 0
    placesTaken = {0: False, 1: False, 2: False, 3: False, 4: False, 5: False, 6: False, 7: False, 8: False}

    turn = 1
    board = generate_boxes(0)

    while not gameFinished:
        mouseClick = False
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE):
            elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION:
                mouseX, mouseY = event.pos
            elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
                mouseClick = True
                mouseX, mouseY = event.pos
            if mouseClick is True and turn == 1:
                get_mouse_overbox(mouseX, mouseY, boardBoxes, turn, board)
                turn += 1
            elif mouseClick is True and turn == 2:
                get_mouse_overbox(mouseX, mouseY, boardBoxes, turn, board)
                turn -= 1

        if board[0] == 1 and placesTaken[0] is False:
            put_image(circle, 20, 20)
            placesTaken[0] = True
        elif board[0] == 2 and placesTaken[0] is False:
            put_image(cross, 20, 20)
            placesTaken[0] = True
        if board[1] == 1 and placesTaken[1] is False:
            put_image(circle, 140, 20)
            placesTaken[1] = True
        elif board[1] == 2 and placesTaken[1] is False:
            put_image(cross, 140, 20)
            placesTaken[1] = True
        if board[2] == 1 and placesTaken[2] is False:
            put_image(circle, 260, 20)
            placesTaken[2] = True
        elif board[2] == 2 and placesTaken[2] is False:
            put_image(cross, 260, 20)
            placesTaken[2] = True
        if board[3] == 1 and placesTaken[3] is False:
            put_image(circle, 20, 140)
            placesTaken[3] = True
        elif board[3] == 2 and placesTaken[3] is False:
            put_image(cross, 20, 140)
            placesTaken[3] = True
        if board[4] == 1 and placesTaken[4] is False:
            put_image(circle, 140, 140)
            placesTaken[4] = True
        elif board[4] == 2 and placesTaken[4] is False:
            put_image(cross, 140, 140)
            placesTaken[4] = True
        if board[5] == 1 and placesTaken[5] is False:
            put_image(circle, 260, 140)
            placesTaken[5] = True
        elif board[5] == 2 and placesTaken[5] is False:
            put_image(cross, 260, 140)
            placesTaken[5] = True
        if board[6] == 1 and placesTaken[6] is False:
            put_image(circle, 20, 260)
            placesTaken[6] = True
        elif board[6] == 2 and placesTaken[6] is False:
            put_image(cross, 20, 260)
            placesTaken[6] = True
        if board[7] == 1 and placesTaken[7] is False:
            put_image(circle, 140, 260)
            placesTaken[7] = True
        elif board[7] == 2 and placesTaken[7] is False:
            put_image(cross, 140, 260)
            placesTaken[7] = True
        if board[8] == 1 and placesTaken[8] is False:
            put_image(circle, 260, 260)
            placesTaken[8] = True
        elif board[8] == 2 and placesTaken[8] is False:
            put_image(cross, 260, 260)
            placesTaken[8] = True


def put_image(image_name, x_cord, y_cord):
    global displaySurface
    displaySurface.blit(image_name, (x_cord, y_cord))

def generate_boxes(value):
    boxesFilled = []
    for i in range(9):
    return boxesFilled

def board_getcircles(board):
    onlyCircleBoard = [0 if i == 2 else i for i in board]
    return onlyCircleBoard

def board_getcrosses(board):
    onlyCrossBoard = [0 if i == 2 else i for i in board]
    return onlyCrossBoard

def get_mouse_overbox(mouse_x, mouse_y, box_list, which_turn, boardlist):
    if which_turn == 1:
        for counter in range(len(box_list)):
            if box_list[counter].collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y):
                boardlist[counter] = 1
    elif which_turn == 2:
        for caunter in range(len(box_list)):
            if box_list[caunter].collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y):
                boardlist[caunter] = 2


Tags: andimageboardfalsetrueifputis


import pygame
import sys
from pygame.locals import *


BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255,   0,   0)
BACKGROUND_COLOR = (198, 187, 133)
indexList = ["a1", "a2", "a3", "b1", "b2", "b3", "c1", "c2", "c3"]

gameFinished = False

def game_loop():
    global DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, displaySurface, gameFinished

    FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock()

    displaySurface = pygame.display.set_mode((DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT))
    pygame.display.set_caption("Tic Tac Toe")
    pygame.draw.line(displaySurface, BLACK, (140, 20), (140, 380), 10)
    pygame.draw.line(displaySurface, BLACK, (260, 20), (260, 380), 10)
    pygame.draw.line(displaySurface, BLACK, (20, 140), (380, 140), 10)
    pygame.draw.line(displaySurface, BLACK, (20, 260), (380, 260), 10)
    box1 = pygame.Rect(20, 20, 120, 120)
    box2 = pygame.Rect(140, 20, 120,120)
    box3 = pygame.Rect(260, 20, 120, 120)
    box4 = pygame.Rect(20, 140, 120, 120)
    box5 = pygame.Rect(140, 140, 120, 120)
    box6 = pygame.Rect(260, 140, 120, 120)
    box7 = pygame.Rect(20, 260, 120, 120)
    box8 = pygame.Rect(140, 260, 120, 120)
    box9 = pygame.Rect(260, 260, 120, 120)
    circle = pygame.image.load("circle.png")
    cross = pygame.image.load("cross.png")
    boardBoxes = [box1, box2, box3,  box4, box5, box6, box7, box8, box9]
    mouseY = 0
    mouseX = 0
    placesTaken = {0: False, 1: False, 2: False, 3: False, 4: False, 5: False, 6: False, 7: False, 8: False}

    turn = 1
    board = generate_boxes(0)

    while not gameFinished:
        moveDone = False
        mouseClick = False

        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE):
            elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
                mouseClick = True
                mouseX, mouseY = event.pos
            if mouseClick is True and turn == 1 and moveDone == False:
                get_mouse_overbox(mouseX, mouseY, boardBoxes, turn, board)
                moveDone = True
            elif mouseClick is True and turn == 2 and moveDone == False:
                get_mouse_overbox(mouseX, mouseY, boardBoxes, turn, board)
                moveDone = True

            if board[0] == 1 and placesTaken[0] is False:
                put_image(circle, 20, 20)
                placesTaken[0] = True
                turn += 1
            elif board[0] == 2 and placesTaken[0] is False:
                put_image(cross, 20, 20)
                placesTaken[0] = True
                turn -= 1
            if board[1] == 1 and placesTaken[1] is False:
                put_image(circle, 140, 20)
                placesTaken[1] = True
                turn += 1
            elif board[1] == 2 and placesTaken[1] is False:
                put_image(cross, 140, 20)
                placesTaken[1] = True
                turn -= 1
            if board[2] == 1 and placesTaken[2] is False:
                put_image(circle, 260, 20)
                placesTaken[2] = True
                turn += 1
            elif board[2] == 2 and placesTaken[2] is False:
                put_image(cross, 260, 20)
                placesTaken[2] = True
                turn -= 1
            if board[3] == 1 and placesTaken[3] is False:
                put_image(circle, 20, 140)
                placesTaken[3] = True
                turn += 1
            elif board[3] == 2 and placesTaken[3] is False:
                put_image(cross, 20, 140)
                placesTaken[3] = True
                turn -= 1
            if board[4] == 1 and placesTaken[4] is False:
                put_image(circle, 140, 140)
                placesTaken[4] = True
                turn += 1
            elif board[4] == 2 and placesTaken[4] is False:
                put_image(cross, 140, 140)
                placesTaken[4] = True
                turn -= 1
            if board[5] == 1 and placesTaken[5] is False:
                put_image(circle, 260, 140)
                placesTaken[5] = True
                turn += 1
            elif board[5] == 2 and placesTaken[5] is False:
                put_image(cross, 260, 140)
                placesTaken[5] = True
                turn -= 1
            if board[6] == 1 and placesTaken[6] is False:
                put_image(circle, 20, 260)
                placesTaken[6] = True
                turn += 1
            elif board[6] == 2 and placesTaken[6] is False:
                put_image(cross, 20, 260)
                placesTaken[6] = True
                turn -= 1
            if board[7] == 1 and placesTaken[7] is False:
                put_image(circle, 140, 260)
                placesTaken[7] = True
                turn += 1
            elif board[7] == 2 and placesTaken[7] is False:
                put_image(cross, 140, 260)
                placesTaken[7] = True
                turn -= 1
            if board[8] == 1 and placesTaken[8] is False:
                put_image(circle, 260, 260)
                placesTaken[8] = True
                turn += 1
            elif board[8] == 2 and placesTaken[8] is False:
                put_image(cross, 260, 260)
                placesTaken[8] = True
                turn -= 1


def get_mouse_overbox(mouse_x, mouse_y, box_list, which_turn, boardlist):
    if which_turn == 1:
        for counter in range(len(box_list)):
            if box_list[counter].collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y) and which_turn == 1:
                boardlist[counter] = 1
    elif which_turn == 2:
        for caunter in range(len(box_list)):
            if box_list[caunter].collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y) and which_turn == 2:
                boardlist[caunter] = 2

def put_image(image_name, x_cord, y_cord):
    global displaySurface
    displaySurface.blit(image_name, (x_cord, y_cord))

def generate_boxes(value):
    boxesFilled = []
    for i in range(9):
    return boxesFilled

def board_getcircles(board):
    onlyCircleBoard = [0 if i == 2 else i for i in board]
    return onlyCircleBoard

def board_getcrosses(board):
    onlyCrossBoard = [0 if i == 2 else i for i in board]
    return onlyCrossBoard


作为对我所做工作的简短总结,我将大量的if语句移动到for循环中的事件中,并使其在图片实际放在桌子上时,而不是在玩家单击时,使turn增加或减少1。我做的另一件事是添加了一个moveDone变量,它跟踪改变线路板状态的函数(get\u mouse\u overbox)是否已经在当前循环中启动。希望这能帮助别人,再次感谢你的帮助



        elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
            mouseClick = True
            mouseX, mouseY = event.pos


        elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION:
            mouseX, mouseY = event.pos


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