
2024-09-23 22:24:06 发布

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import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
page= requests.get('http://www.moneycontrol.com/financials/nmdc/ratios/NMD02')
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
table = soup.find(class_='tabns MR10')


Tags: fromimportcomhttp网页getwwwpage


import requests
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
page = requests.get('http://www.moneycontrol.com/financials/nmdc/ratios/NMD02')
html = pq(page.content)
rows = html(".table4:last tr")
for tr in rows:
    # tr.find("td")
    # pq(tr)("td")
    print tr



#! /usr/bin/env python3
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
page= requests.get('http://www.moneycontrol.com/financials/nmdc/ratios/NMD02')
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
table = soup.findAll(class_='det')

for node in table:
    if 'colspan' in node.attrs:
        if len(node.contents) == 1:
            print(node.contents[0].ljust(48), end="")

    elif len(node.contents) == 1:
        print(node.contents[0].ljust(10), end="")


Face Value                                      1.00      1.00      1.00          1.00      1.00      
Dividend Per Share                              5.15      11.00     8.55      8.50      7.00      
Operating Profit Per Share (Rs)                 11.38     8.04      19.62     19.61     18.60     
Net Operating Profit Per Share (Rs)             27.90     16.28     31.17     30.41     27.00     
Free Reserves Per Share (Rs)                                                                 
Bonus in Equity Capital                         83.53     66.66     66.66     66.66     66.66     
Operating Profit Margin(%)                      40.79     49.40              64.46     68.89     
Profit Before Interest And Tax Margin(%)        34.97     36.23              53.86     55.91     
Gross Profit Margin(%)                          38.57     46.18              63.21     67.60     
Cash Profit Margin(%)                           28.61     41.57              46.11     50.05     
Adjusted Cash Margin(%)                         28.61     41.57     45.80     46.11     50.05     
Net Profit Margin(%)                            29.32     46.90     51.97     53.24     59.25     
Adjusted Net Profit Margin(%)                   26.59     36.79              45.36     49.00     
Return On Capital Employed(%)                   19.15     15.04              32.40     34.44     
Return On Net Worth(%)                          11.49     10.05              21.40     23.05     
Adjusted Return on Net Worth(%)                 11.49     10.67     20.21     21.26     23.04      
Return on Assets Excluding Revaluations         71.17     75.95     81.55     75.64     69.39     
Return on Assets Including Revaluations         71.17     75.95     81.55     75.64     69.39     
Return on Long Term Funds(%)                    19.15     15.79     30.56     32.40     34.44     
Current Ratio                                   3.52      4.44      11.63     16.52     7.73      
Quick Ratio                                     3.20      11.73     11.31     16.06     7.54      
Debt Equity Ratio                                        0.05                                 
Long Term Debt Equity Ratio                                                                  
Interest Cover                                  207.82    72.68              5,252.61  717.84    
Total Debt to Owners Fund                                0.05                                 
Financial Charges Coverage Ratio                217.27    75.86              5,333.91  728.34    
Financial Charges Coverage Ratio Post Tax       135.17    50.45              3,552.62  491.98    
Inventory Turnover Ratio                        16.35     10.14              17.71     16.81     
Debtors Turnover Ratio                          6.01      3.54      7.72      9.53      11.77     
Investments Turnover Ratio                      16.35     10.14     17.87     17.71     16.81     
Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio                     4.26      1.96               4.66      4.46      
Total Assets Turnover Ratio                     0.84      0.30               0.40      0.39      
Asset Turnover Ratio                            0.54      0.24      0.40      0.42      0.41      
Average Raw Material Holding                                                                 
Average Finished Goods Held                                                                  
Number of Days In Working Capital               156.37    1,054.96  644.26    680.29    752.56    
Material Cost Composition                       3.05      4.52      2.81      3.09      2.69      
Imported Composition of Raw Materials Consumed                                               
Selling Distribution Cost Composition           0.08      0.23                                 
Expenses as Composition of Total Sales                                                       
Dividend Payout Ratio Net Profit                50.71     144.01    52.78     52.49     43.75     
Dividend Payout Ratio Cash Profit               47.14     134.76    51.48     51.29     42.82     
Earning Retention Ratio                         49.30     -35.71    48.14     47.15     56.23     
Cash Earning Retention Ratio                    52.87     -27.46    49.39     48.37     57.17     
AdjustedCash Flow Times                                  0.44                            

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