
2024-09-19 07:05:33 发布

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这和我昨天问的问题很相似。其目的是能够添加一个功能,允许根据另一个列中显示的值创建一个列。例如,当它在指定的文件中找到一个国家代码时,我希望它创建一个名为“country codeTotal”的列,并对具有相同国家代码的每行的单位数量求和


Script Output




df['Sum of Revenue'] = df['Units Sold'] * df['Dealer Price']
    df['AR Revenue'] = df[]
    df = df.sort_values(['End Consumer Country', 'Currency Code'])
    # Sets first value of index by position
    df.loc[df.index[0], 'Unit Total'] = df['Units Sold'].sum()
    # Sets first value of index by position
    df.loc[df.index[0], 'Total Revenue'] = df['Sum of Revenue'].sum()
    # Sums the amout of Units with the End Consumer Country AR
    df['AR Total'] = df.loc[df['End Consumer Country'] == 'AR', 'Units Sold'].sum()
    # Sums the amount of Units with the End Consumer Country AU
    df['AU Total'] = df.loc[df['End Consumer Country'] == 'AU', 'Units Sold'].sum()
    # Sums the amount of Units with the End Consumer Country NZ
    df['NZ Total'] = df.loc[df['End Consumer Country'] == 'NZ', 'Units Sold'].sum()

但是,由于我知道这个文件中会出现哪些国家,因此我将它们相应地添加到我的脚本中以查找。如何编写脚本,以便在找到另一个国家/地区代码(例如GB)时,创建一个名为“GB Total”的列,并将国家/地区代码设置为GB时每行的单位相加。你知道吗


Tags: ofthe代码dfconsumer国家countryloc
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-19 07:05:33


# Get those first two columns
d = {'Sum of Revenue': 'Total Revenue', 'Units Sold': 'Total Sold'}
for col, newcol in d.items():
    df.loc[df.index[0], newcol] = df[col].sum()

# Add the rest for every country:
s = df.groupby('End Consumer Country')['Units Sold'].sum().to_frame().T.add_suffix(' Total')
s.index = [df.index[0]]

df  = pd.concat([df, s], 1, sort=False)


  End Consumer Country  Sum of Revenue  Units Sold  Total Revenue  Total Sold  AR Total  AU Total  NZ Total  US Total
a                   AR       13.486216           1     124.007334        28.0       3.0       7.0      11.0       7.0
b                   AR       25.984073           2            NaN         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
c                   AU       21.697871           3            NaN         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
d                   AU       10.962232           4            NaN         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
e                   NZ       16.528398           5            NaN         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
f                   NZ       29.908619           6            NaN         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
g                   US        5.439925           7            NaN         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN



df.pivot_table(index='End Consumer Country', 
               values=['Sum of Revenue', 'Units Sold'],
               aggfunc='sum').T.add_suffix(' Total)


End Consumer Country   AR Total   AU Total   NZ Total  US Total   All Total
Sum of Revenue        39.470289  32.660103  46.437018  5.439925  124.007334
Units Sold             3.000000   7.000000  11.000000  7.000000   28.000000



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'End Consumer Country': ['AR', 'AR', 'AU', 'AU', 'NZ', 'NZ', 'US'],
                   'Sum of Revenue': np.random.normal(20,6,7),
                   'Units Sold': np.arange(1,8,1)},
                   index = list('abcdefg'))

  End Consumer Country  Sum of Revenue  Units Sold
a                   AR       13.486216           1
b                   AR       25.984073           2
c                   AU       21.697871           3
d                   AU       10.962232           4
e                   NZ       16.528398           5
f                   NZ       29.908619           6
g                   US        5.439925           7

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