
2024-09-30 06:19:53 发布

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import math
import Disc

def main():

    coeffA = int(input('Enter the coefficient A: '))
    coeffB = int(input('Enter the coefficient B: '))
    coeffC = int(input('Enter the coefficient C: '))

    disc = Disc.discriminant(coeffA, coeffB, coeffC)

    while coeffA != 0:

        if disc > 0:

            solutionOne = (-coeffB + math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * coeffA)
            solutionTwo = (-coeffB - math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * coeffA)

            print('Solutions are: ' + str(solutionOne) + ' and ' + str(solutionTwo))

            coeffA = int(input('Enter the coefficient A: '))
            coeffB = int(input('Enter the coefficient B: '))
            coeffC = int(input('Enter the coefficient C: '))

        elif disc == 0:

            solutionOne = -coeffB / (2 * coeffA)

            print('Solution is: ' + str(solutionOne))

            coeffA = int(input('Enter the coefficient A: '))
            coeffB = int(input('Enter the coefficient B: '))
            coeffC = int(input('Enter the coefficient C: '))

        elif disc < 0:

            print('Equation has two complex roots.')

            coeffA = int(input('Enter the coefficient A: '))
            coeffB = int(input('Enter the coefficient B: '))
            coeffC = int(input('Enter the coefficient C: '))

        print('Program ended.')

# End of the main function



def discriminant(coeffA, coeffB, coeffC):

    value = (coeffB ** 2) - (4 * coeffA * coeffC)

    return value


Enter the coefficient A: 1
Enter the coefficient B: 2
Enter the coefficient C: -8
Solutions are: 2.0 and -4.0
Enter the coefficient A: 1
Enter the coefficient B: -12
Enter the coefficient C: 36
Solutions are: 9.0 and 3.0
Enter the coefficient A: 2
Enter the coefficient B: 9
Enter the coefficient C: -5
Solutions are: -0.75 and -3.75
Enter the coefficient A: 4
Enter the coefficient B: 6
Enter the coefficient C: 20
Solutions are: 0.0 and -1.5
Enter the coefficient A: 0
Enter the coefficient B: 0
Enter the coefficient C: 0
Program ended.


Run1: 2, -4

Run2: 6

Run3: .5, -5

Run4: 'Equation has two complex roots.'


Tags: andtheinputmainareintdiscprint

你好像少了一对括号。 这将修复错误:

if disc > 0:

            solutionOne = (-coeffB + math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * coeffA)
            solutionTwo = (-coeffB - math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * coeffA)

            print('Solutions are: ' + str(solutionOne) + ' and ' + str(solutionTwo))

            coeffA = int(input('Enter the coefficient A: '))
            coeffB = int(input('Enter the coefficient B: '))
            coeffC = int(input('Enter the coefficient C: '))


import math
import Disc

def main():

    coeffA = int(input('Enter the coefficient A: '))

    while coeffA != 0:

        coeffB = int(input('Enter the coefficient B: '))
        coeffC = int(input('Enter the coefficient C: '))

        disc = Disc.discriminant(coeffA, coeffB, coeffC)

        if disc > 0:

            solutionOne = (-coeffB + math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * coeffA)
            solutionTwo = (-coeffB - math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * coeffA)

            print('Solutions are: ' + str(solutionOne) + ' and ' + str(solutionTwo))

            coeffA = int(input('Enter the coefficient A: '))

        elif disc == 0:

            solutionOne = -coeffB / (2 * coeffA)

            print('Solution is: ' + str(solutionOne))

            coeffA = int(input('Enter the coefficient A: '))

        elif disc < 0:

            print('Equation has two complex roots.')

            coeffA = int(input('Enter the coefficient A: '))

    print('Program ended.')

    # End of the main function


Enter the coefficient A: 1
Enter the coefficient B: 2
Enter the coefficient C: -8
Solutions are: 2.0 and -4.0
Enter the coefficient A: 1
Enter the coefficient B: -12
Enter the coefficient C: 36
Solution is: 6.0
Enter the coefficient A: 2
Enter the coefficient B: 9
Enter the coefficient C: -5
Solutions are: 0.5 and -5.0
Enter the coefficient A: 4
Enter the coefficient B: 6
Enter the coefficient C: 20
Equation has two complex roots.
Enter the coefficient A: 0
Program ended.

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