
2024-09-27 18:00:32 发布

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我想在一个叫做translate\u dirac\u delta的类中加速我的函数。根据这个演示https://jonasteuwen.github.io/numpy/python/multiprocessing/2017/01/07/multiprocessing-numpy-array.html,我使用多处理来用共享数组填充数组。我为函数调用计算了t1-t0,它的速度似乎是4核的两倍。然而,当我使用unix时间函数时,它实际上慢了一倍。我知道会有一些偷听使用多处理,但我没想到会有这么多。我正在使用的模块ssht是一个cython包装器,它不是公共的,因此无法完成完整的MWE。你知道吗


import pyssht as ssht # cython wrapper

def translation(self, flm, pix_i, pix_j):
    t0 = time.time()
    glm = self.translate_dirac_delta(flm, pix_i, pix_j)
    t1 = time.time()
    print(t1 - t0)

    return glm

def calc_pixel_value(self, ind, pix_i, pix_j):
    # create Ylm corresponding to index
    ylm_harmonic = np.zeros((self.L * self.L), dtype=complex)
    ylm_harmonic[ind] = 1

    # convert Ylm from pixel to harmonic space
    ylm_pixel = ssht.inverse(ylm_harmonic, self.L, Method=self.method)

    # get value at pixel (i, j)
    ylm_omega = np.conj(ylm_pixel[pix_i, pix_j])

    return ylm_omega


  • t1-t0=16.4秒
  • 实数16.8
  • 用户0m22.2s
  • 系统0m1.5s

    def translate_dirac_delta(self, flm, pix_i, pix_j):
        flm_trans = self.complex_translation(flm)
        return flm_trans
    def complex_translation(self, flm):
        for ell in range(self.L):
            for m in range(-ell, ell + 1):
                ind = ssht.elm2ind(ell, m)
                conj_pixel_val = self.calc_pixel_value(ind)
                flm[ind] = conj_pixel_val
        return flm


  • t1-t0=8.0秒
  • 实数19.5
  • 用户0m31.9s
  • 系统0m1.5s

    def translate_dirac_delta(self, flm, pix_i, pix_j):
        # create arrays to store final and intermediate steps
        result_r = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(flm.shape))
        result_i = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(flm.shape))
        shared_array_r = multiprocessing.sharedctypes.RawArray(
                         result_r._type_, result_r)
        shared_array_i = multiprocessing.sharedctypes.RawArray(
                         result_i._type_, result_i)
        # ensure function declared before multiprocessing pool
        global complex_func
        def complex_func(ell):
            # store real and imag parts separately
            tmp_r = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_r)
            tmp_i = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_i)
            # perform translation
            for m in range(-ell, ell + 1):
                ind = ssht.elm2ind(ell, m)
                conj_pixel_val = self.calc_pixel_value(
                    ind, pix_i, pix_j)
                tmp_r[ind] = conj_pixel_val.real
                tmp_i[ind] = conj_pixel_val.imag
        # initialise pool and apply function
        with multiprocessing.Pool() as p:
            p.map(complex_func, range(self.L))
        # retrieve real and imag components
        result_r = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_r)
        result_i = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_i)
        # combine results
        return result_r + 1j * result_i

Tags: selfdefasnpresultmultiprocessingarraypixel
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-27 18:00:32

对于给定的进程,user和sys time是进程及其子进程分别执行程序代码和内核调用所花费的累计时间。time函数返回墙时间(real time),这更像是一个闹钟,使您能够测量一个时刻和下一个时刻之间经过的时间。你知道吗



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