
2024-10-06 14:19:44 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文



  • 我已经将middlewarecontext_processor添加到设置中。

  • 你知道吗中间件.py(来自this答案):

    from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
    from django.db import connection
    from time import time
    from operator import add
    import re
    from functools import reduce
    class StatsMiddleware(object):
        def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
            # get number of db queries before we do anything
            n = len(connection.queries)
            # time the view
            start = time()
            response = view_func(request, *view_args, **view_kwargs)
            total_time = time() - start
            # compute the db time for the queries just run
            db_queries = len(connection.queries) - n
            if db_queries:
               db_time = reduce(add, [float(q['time']) for q in connection.queries[n:]])
               db_time = 0.0
            # and backout python time
            python_time = total_time - db_time
            stats = {
                'total_time': total_time,
                'python_time': python_time,
                'db_time': db_time,
                'db_queries': db_queries,
            # this works fine
            # replace the comment if found
            if response:
                    # detects TemplateResponse which are not yet rendered
                    if response.is_rendered:
                        rendered_content = response.content
                        rendered_content = response.rendered_content
                except AttributeError:  # django < 1.5
                    rendered_content = response.content
                if rendered_content:
                    s = rendered_content
                    # The following code is commented 
                    # because it can't compile bytes and 
                    # as long as I understand the values comes 
                    # from the rendered template which are the ones I'm interested in getting
                    # regexp = re.compile(
                    #     r'(?P<cmt><!--\s*STATS:(?P<fmt>.*?)ENDSTATS\s*-->)'
                    # )
                    # match = regexp.search(s)
                    # if match:
                    #     s = (s[:match.start('cmt')] +
                    #          match.group('fmt') % stats +
                    #          s[match.end('cmt'):])
                    #     response.content = s
            return response
  • 上下文_处理器.py你知道吗

    #from django.template import RequestContext
    def foo(request):
        context_data = dict()
        context_data["stats"] = "stats"
        return context_data
  • 你知道吗视图.py地址:

    from django.shortcuts import render
    from accounts.models import User    
    def myFunc(request):
        users = User.objects.all()
        return render(request, 'index.html, {'users_list': users})
  • 你知道吗索引.html地址:

    {% for user in users_list  %}
         {{user}} <br>
    {% endfor %}


Tags: thefromimportviewdbiftimeresponse