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Latex equations




  1. w_1(0)=0(x_1=0处的挠度为0),D=0
  2. w_1'(0)=0(x_1=0处的斜率为0),C=0
  3. w_1’’(0)=0(x_1=0处的弯矩为0),B=0
  4. w\u 1(I\u 1)=-p
  5. w_(0)=p,H=p
  6. w_1'(I_1)=w_2'(0)
  7. w_1’’(I_1)=w_2’’(0)
  8. w_2(I_2)=0
  9. w3(0)=0
  10. w_2'(I_2)=w_3'(0)
  11. w_2’’(I_2)=w_3’’(0)
  12. w_2'''(I_2)=w_3'''(0)
  13. wï3(Iï3)=d
  14. w_3(I_3)'=0
  15. wï3(Iï3)'=0


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import scipy.optimize as opt

#-------------- Pipe and hook plough parameters ------------#
#--------------             PIPE                ------------#    
p = -0.4                                                    # HOOK ELEVATION [m]
d = 1                                                       # BURIAL DEPTH PIPELINE [m]
D_o = 0.324                                                 # OUTSIDE DIAMETER PIPELINE [m]
WT = 0.0254                                                 # WALL THICKNESS PIPELINE [m]
D_i = D_o - 2*WT                                            # INSIDE DIAMETER PIPELINE [m]
A = 0.25*np.pi*(D_o**2 - D_i**2)                            # CROSS SECTIONAL AREA [m]
E_e = 2.1*10**11                                            # YOUNGS MODULUS
sig_max = 413*(10**6)                                       # SYMS
gamma = 1.5                                                 # SAFETY FACTOR Note: 0.67 SYMS
#--------------         ENIVIRONMENT            ------------#  
g = 9.81                                                    # GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION [m/s2]
rho_s = 7840                                                # STEEL DENSITY [kg/m3]
rho_w = 1025                                                # WATER DENSITY [kg/m3]
gamma_wet = 18500                                           # SUBMERGED UNIT WEIGHT SAND [N/m3] Note: North sea soil, fine to medium sand.
gamma_water = 10250                                         # SPECIFIC WEIGHT WATER [N/m3]
phi_g = 37                                                  # HOOK ANGLE TO NEUTRAL [deg] Note: tan(37) = 0.754
K_0 = 0.8                                                   # LATERAL EARTH PRSSURE COEFFICIENT Note: can be between 0.5 an 0.8

#-------------- Initialisation calculations     ------------#     

phi_deg= np.tan((phi_g/360)*np.pi*2)                       #         
q_subm = (rho_s*A*g) - (rho_w*np.pi*(D_o/2)**2)*g           # SUBMERGED WEIGHT  [N/m]
q_grnd = D_o*(gamma_wet-gamma_water)*d                      # SOIL WEIGHT [N/m]
q_fric = K_0*phi_deg*(gamma_wet-gamma_water)*(d**2)                     # SOIL FRICTION [N/m]
Q_grnd = q_grnd/d                                           # [N/m]
Q_fric = q_fric/(d**2)                                      # [N/m]
W = (np.pi*(D_o**4 - D_i**4))/(32*D_o)                      # SECTION MODULUS [m3]
I = (np.pi*(D_o**4 - D_i**4))/(64)                          # MOMENT OF INERTIA [m3]
EI = E_e*I                                                  # [Nm2]
M_max = (sig_max*W)/gamma                                   # MAXIMUM ALLAWABLE ELASTIC BENDING MOMENT [Nm]
R_min = EI/M_max                                            # MINIMUM ALLAWABLE ELASTIC RADIUS OF CURVATURE [m]
beta = np.sqrt(np.sqrt((Q_fric+Q_grnd)/(4*EI)))             # SUBSTITUTION FOR IN DIFF EQ. [1/m]                                               

#Test if initialisation calculations are correct                                                            

def main():

    nobservations = 20

    # Guess values for the unkown variables
    I1 = 46.483
    I2 = 5.916
    I3 = 21.90
    A = -3.828*10**(-5)
    B = 0
    C = 0
    D = 0
    E = -1.928*10**(-4)
    F = 4.270*10**(-3)
    G = 0.049
    H = p
    K = 0.052
    L = 0.1
    M = -0.021
    N = 0.787

    f, x1, x2, x3 = generate_data(nobservations, I1, I2, I3, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N)

    print ('Non-linear results (should be {}, {}, {}):'.format(I1, I2, I3, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N))
    print (nonlinear_invert(f, x1, x2, x3))

def generate_data(nobservations, I1, I2, I3, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N, noise_level=0.01):
    x, y, z = np.random.random((3, nobservations))
    noise = noise_level * np.random.normal(0, noise_level, nobservations)
    f = func(x, y, z, I1, I2, I3, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N) + noise
    return f, x, y, z

def func(x1, x2, x3, I1, I2, I3, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N):
    f = (A*x1**3 + B*x1**2 + C*x1 + D + (q_subm*x1**4)/(24*EI))

    #I would like to include/couple these two equations   
    f2 = (E*x2**3 + F*x2**2 + G*x2 + H + (q_subm*x2**4)/(24*EI))
    f3 = K*np.exp(np.sqrt(2)*beta*x3)+L*np.exp(-np.sqrt(2)*beta*x3)+M*np.cos(np.sqrt(2)*beta*x3)+N*np.sin(np.sqrt(2)*beta*x3)-(q_subm/(Q_grnd+Q_fric)) 
    return f

def nonlinear_invert(f, x1, x2, x3):
    # "curve_fit" expects the function to take a slightly different form...
    def wrapped_func(observation_points, I1, I2, I3, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N):
        x1, x2, x3 = observation_points
        return func(x1, x2, x3, I1, I2, I3, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N)

    xdata = np.vstack([x1, x2, x3])
    model, cov = opt.curve_fit(wrapped_func, xdata, f)
    return model



Tags: npmaxbetam3x1x2i3gamma
