在Python SQL查询中使用IN表达式传递SQL变量

2024-10-02 08:17:45 发布

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cursor = conn.cursor()
query = "Select touchtonekey, COUNT(touchtonekey) as touchedthismanytimes from vw_callhandlertraffic\
            where callhandlername = ? and createddatetime between ?\
            and ? and touchtonekey IN ('1','2') Group By touchtonekey Order by touchtonekey"

data = cursor.execute(query,'My CallHandler','2019-10-09 13:00:00',
                      '2019-12-09 13:59:59')


query = "Select touchtonekey, COUNT(touchtonekey) as touchedthismanytimes from vw_callhandlertraffic\
            where callhandlername = ? and createddatetime between ?\
            and ? and touchtonekey IN ? Group By touchtonekey Order by touchtonekey"

data = cursor.execute(query,'My CallHandler','2019-10-09 13:00:00',
                      '2019-12-09 13:59:59', "('1','2')")


Right hand side of IN expression must be a COLLECTION type.


Invalid application buffer type. (-11116) (SQLBindParameter)

Tags: and答案代码infromsqlascount

这几乎是一个python list in sql query as parameter的复制品,但缺少一些东西:

  1. 您还有其他参数,而不仅仅是IN子句的参数,因此需要一些解包
  2. 关于某些SQL方言(例如SQLite)对number of parameters you can pass有限制这一事实的说明。你知道吗


cursor = conn.cursor()

membership_data = [1, 2] 
placeholders = ', '.join(['?' for item in membership_data])

query = """
        SELECT touchtonekey, COUNT(touchtonekey) AS touchedthismanytimes 
        FROM vw_callhandlertraffic
        WHERE callhandlername = ? AND createddatetime BETWEEN ? AND ? 
            AND touchtonekey IN ({}) 
        GROUP BY touchtonekey 
        ORDER BY touchtonekey
        """.format(placeholders) # Add the placeholders to your IN clause

data = cursor.execute(query,
                      ('My CallHandler',
                      '2019-10-09 13:00:00',
                      '2019-12-09 13:59:59',
                      *membership_data)) # Unpack the list

注意使用*the "splat"/"unpacking" operator来生成execute的参数的平面元组


cursor = conn.cursor()

    query = "Select touchtonekey, COUNT(touchtonekey) as 
             touchedthismanytimes from vw_callhandlertraffic\
             where callhandlername = ? and createddatetime between ?\
             and ? and touchtonekey = ? Group By touchtonekey Order by\ 

    data = cursor.execute(query,'My CallHandler','2019-10-09 13:00:00',
                                 '2019-12-09 13:59:59',"IN ('1','2')")

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