
2024-09-25 00:25:19 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我是一个新手,尝试用python编写一个简单的代码,得到一个包含4个波段(R、G、B、Nir)的图像数据集。 对于每一行(仅R、G、B),我只需要在某些特定像素(图像上代表水的像素)上应用校正。 我的代码的第一步是使用原始图像生成的其他光栅文件来识别水上像素的位置(ii,jj)。用于识别水的光栅文件与原始图像的大小相同。你知道吗


for ii in range(rows_ndwi):
            for jj in range (cols_ndwi):
                if ndwi[ii,jj] >= 0:




for i in range(size):
    i += 1
    text_file = open('list.txt', 'r') 
    line = text_file.read().split() 
    size = len(line)
    nome = line[i-1]
    ds_res_rgb = gdal.Open(nome)
    rows = ds_res_rgb.RasterYSize
    cols = ds_res_rgb.RasterXSize 
    bands = ds_res_rgb.RasterCount
    print('Opening the red band of image ' + nome)
    banda_red = ds_res_rgb.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows)
    print('Opening the green band of image ' + nome)
    banda_green =ds_res_rgb.GetRasterBand(2).ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows)
    print('Opening the blue band of image ' + nome)
    banda_blue =ds_res_rgb.GetRasterBand(3).ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows)
       print('Opening the nir band of image ' + nome)
    nir_band = ds_res_rgb.GetRasterBand(3).ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows)
    for j in range(size): 
        j += 1
        text_file_ndwi = open('list.txt', 'r') 
        line_ndwi = text_file_ndwi.read().split()
        size_ndwi = len(line_ndwi)      
        nome_ndwi = line_ndwi[j-1]
        ds_ndwi = gdal.Open(nome_ndwi)
        rows_ndwi = ds_ndwi.RasterYSize
        cols_ndwi = ds_ndwi.RasterXSize
        bands_ndwi = ds_ndwi.RasterCount
        print('Opening NDWI raster file from reservoir ' + nome_ndwi)
        ndwi = ds_ndwi.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols_ndwi, rows_ndwi)
        print('Applyin the sun-glint correction for image ' + nome)
        for ii in range(rows_ndwi):
            for jj in range (cols_ndwi):
                if ndwi[ii,jj] >= 0: ## condition for found the positions for pixels that need to be correction
                    banda_red[ii,jj] = (banda_red[ii,jj] - (a[0] * (nir_band[ii,jj] - nir_dw)))
                    banda_green[ii,jj] = (banda_green[ii,jj] - (a[1] * (nir_band[ii,jj] - nir_dw)))
                    banda_blue[ii,jj] = (banda_blue[ii,jj] - (a[2] * (nir_band[ii,jj] - nir_dw)))

Tags: inforbanddsresrgb像素rows