
2024-10-05 14:21:56 发布

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h, w = canvas.shape[ :2 ]    # canvas.shape is [ h, w, 4 ] because it is an RGBA image
ih, iw = image.shape[ :2 ]   # image.shape is [ ih, iw, 4 ] because it is an RGBA image
xoffset = ( w - iw ) / 2.0
yoffset = ( h - ih ) / 2.0
xoffset = [ int( math.ceil( xoffset ) ), int( math.floor( xoffset ) ) ] # how much free space left and right
yoffset = [ int( math.ceil( yoffset ) ), int( math.floor( yoffset ) ) ] # how much free space top and bottom
if xoffset[ 0 ] < 0:
    image = image[ :, -xoffset[ 0 ]:, : ]
    iw += xoffset[ 0 ]
    xoffset[ 0 ] = 0
if xoffset[ 1 ] < 0:
    image = image[ :, :xoffset[ 1 ],  : ]
    iw += xoffset[ 1 ]
    xoffset[ 1 ] = 0
if yoffset[ 0 ] < 0:
    image = image[ -yoffset[ 0 ]:, :, : ]
    ih += yoffset[ 0 ]
    yoffset[ 0 ] = 0
if yoffset[ 1 ] < 0:
    image = image[ :yoffset[ 1 ],  :, : ]
    ih += yoffset[ 1 ]
    yoffset[ 1 ] = 0
canvas[ yoffset[ 0 ]:yoffset[ 0 ] + ih, xoffset[ 0 ]:xoffset[ 0 ] + iw, : ] = image


Tags: imageifis情况math中心intcanvas
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-05 14:21:56


import numpy as np

def get_slices_1D(canvas_size, image_size):
    buffer = abs(canvas_size - image_size) // 2
    if canvas_size > image_size:
        return slice(buffer, buffer + image_size), slice(None)
        return slice(None), slice(buffer, buffer + canvas_size)

def get_slices_ND(canvas_shape, image_shape):
    pairs = zip(canvas_shape, image_shape)
    return zip(*(get_slices_1D(*pair) for pair in pairs))


image = np.ones((3, 7, 4))
canvas = np.zeros((5, 5, 4))

ind_can, ind_im = get_slices_ND(canvas.shape, image.shape)
canvas[ind_can] = image[ind_im]

canvas[:, :, 0]
# array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
#        [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
#        [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
#        [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
#        [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])


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