
2024-05-18 15:34:30 发布

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print("Game started!")
sunlight = 0
while True:
  sunlight += 1
  commands = input("Type stats to see which molecules you have, type carbon to get carbon\ndioxide, and type water to get water: ")
  if commands == ("stats"):
    print("Sunlight: ",sunlight,"")

Tags: to项目代码getstatstypecommands程序员

作为初学者,我不建议您使用multithreadingasyncio。相反,只要开始时间,当用户输入“stats”时,elapsed time//2将等于sunlight。你知道吗

import time
start_time = time.time()
while True:
    commands = input("Type stats to see which molecules you have, type carbon to get carbon\ndioxide, and type water to get water: ")
    if commands == ("stats"):
        sunlight = (time.time()-start_time)//2   # elapsed time // 2
        print("Sunlight: ", sunlight, "")



start_time = time.monotonic()

def get_sunlight():
    current_time = time.monotonic()
    return int(current_time - start_time) // 2

为此,最好使用monotonic()函数而不是clock()函数,因为clock()函数is deprecated as of Python 3.3

The time.clock() function is deprecated because it is not portable: it behaves differently depending on the operating system.

出于这个目的,它也比time()函数好,因为time()will affect the result对系统时钟的更改(例如由于夏时制而向前或向后):

While this function normally returns non-decreasing values, it can return a lower value than a previous call if the system clock has been set back between the two calls.

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