
2024-09-19 23:27:09 发布

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FarmGround=input("Do you want to pat the animal? ") #this is the input
if FarmGround==("Yes") or FarmGround==("yes"):  #this is if
    print("You patted the animal")  #print statement if you patted the animal it will go onto the next if statement
if print=("You patted the animal"):
elif FarmGround==("No") or FarmGround==("no"): #this is elif
    print("You didn't patt the animal and it is triggered")

undescribed image

Tags: ortheyouinputifisitthis


FarmGround=input("Do you want to pat the animal? ")
if FarmGround==("Yes") or FarmGround==("yes"):
    print("You patted the animal")
    some_other_answer = input("Some other question?")  # here's more code inside the first if
    if some_other_answer == "Foo":   # it can include another if statement, if you want it to
elif FarmGround==("No") or FarmGround==("no"):
    print("You didn't patt the animal and it is triggered") 


FarmGround=input("Do you want to pat the animal? ") #this is the input

if FarmGround=="Yes" or FarmGround=="yes":  #this is if
    print("You patted the animal") 

    holy_field = input("Did you clear the field?") 
    if holy_field.lower() == "yes":
         print("Do something else. Don't look at me.") 
         print("When are you going to do it ?")          
elif FarmGround== "No" or FarmGround== "no": #this is elif
    print("You didn't patt the animal and it is triggered")


If ( var1 == 1 ):
    If ( var2 == 2 ):
        print "Both statements are true."

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