
2024-05-21 11:06:47 发布

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WARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() thread.


Tags: 服务器应用程序客户端客户机进程架构错误not
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-21 11:06:47


Don't use multiprocessing. multiprocessing is not thread safe, on unix it uses fork() without exec() which means that it inherits everything from the parent process including locks (which are in an invalid state in the child process), file handles, global objects like QApplication and so on. Just as an illustration of the problems multiprocessing can cause, if you use it with the standard library logging module you can have your worker processes crash, since the logging module uses locks.

After all, what do you expect to happen to QApplication on fork()? There's no way for fork() to have the QApplication object magically re-initialize itself.

Using multiprocessing will bite you in the rear on any project of moderate complexity. Heck it bit me on the rear even while implementing a muti-core replacment for grep. Instead use subprocess to launch a worker process, feed it a module name, functions and arguments on stdin using cPickle or json and then have it run the task.


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