
2024-09-30 00:39:38 发布

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usinp = input ("Which scenario would you like to do first 1,2, or 3?")
if usinp == "1":
    print ("You are playing the Packers in OT of the 2014 NFC championship team.")
    firplay = input ("It's your ball on the Seattle 13. The defense is in cover 2. What play do you want to run? HB gut, Hail Mary, or WR screen pass?")
    if firplay == "HB gut":
        import random
        _1 = "Yay you scored a 93 yard touchdown. This scenario is over. YOU WIN"
        _2 = "You Gained 3 yards now it is 2nd and 7 from your own 16"
        _3 = "Your team commited a turnover. This scenario is over. YOU LOSE!"

        PossibleOutcomes = [_1,_2,_3]

        def example():
            print (random.choice(PossibleOutcomes)) 
            if "Yay you scored a 93 yard touchdown. This scenario is over. YOU WIN" in PossibleOutcomes:
                print ("You would be an amazing head coach and luck will always be on your side")

            elif "You Gained 3 yards now it is 2nd and 7 from your own 16" in PossibleOutcomes:
                print("It's your ball on the Seattle 16. The defense is in cover 2. What play do you want to run? Bubble catch, Strong HB toss, Hail Mary?")

                print("You would be a horrible head coach your team would never make the playoffs and you will be fired.")


Tags: andthetoinyouyourifis



            choice = random.choice(PossibleOutcomes)
            if "Yay you scored a 93 yard touchdown. This scenario is over. YOU WIN" == choice :
                print ("You would be an amazing head coach and luck will always be on your side")

            elif "You Gained 3 yards now it is 2nd and 7 from your own 16" == choice:
                print("It's your ball on the Seattle 16. The defense is in cover 2. What play do you want to run? Bubble catch, Strong HB toss, Hail Mary?")

                print("You would be a horrible head coach your team would never make the playoffs and you will be fired.")



# this takes the input for which scenario you want. looking good :)
usinp = input("Which scenario would you like to do first 1,2, or 3?")

# this block of code runs when the user input is 1
if usinp == "1":

    # ooo, cool storyline
    print("You are playing the Packers in OT of the 2014 NFC championship team.")

    # gets another user input
    firplay = input("It's your ball on the Seattle 13. The defense is in cover 2. What play do you want to run? HB gut, Hail Mary, or WR screen pass?")

    # this runs if the input was HB gut
    if firplay == "HB gut":

        # gets the function defined inside random
        import random

        # these are all the choices availiable
        _1 = "Yay you scored a 93 yard touchdown. This scenario is over. YOU WIN"
        _2 = "You Gained 3 yards now it is 2nd and 7 from your own 16"
        _3 = "Your team commited a turnover. This scenario is over. YOU LOSE!"

        # this is the list of possible outcomes. looking good so far
        possibleOutcomes = [_1,_2,_3]

        # a cool little function :D
        def example():

            # this prints out a random choice. hmm, how do you know which choice it is?

            # this code checks if that line is in the possible outcomes. it always is :|
            if "Yay you scored a 93 yard touchdown. This scenario is over. YOU WIN" in possibleOutcomes:
                print("You would be an amazing head coach and luck will always be on your side")

            # that flaw on the if statement above means this code will never run...
            elif "You Gained 3 yards now it is 2nd and 7 from your own 16" in possibleOutcomes:
                print("It's your ball on the Seattle 16. The defense is in cover 2. What play do you want to run? Bubble catch, Strong HB toss, Hail Mary?")

                print("You would be a horrible head coach your team would never make the playoffs and you will be fired.")

        # this runs the flawed function


def example():后面的部分替换为:

choice = random.choice(possibleOutcomes)


if "Yay you scored a 93 yard touchdown. This scenario is over. YOU WIN" == choice:
    print("You would be an amazing head coach and luck will always be on your side")

TL;DR:用choice = random.choice(possibleOutcomes)print(choice)替换print(random.choice(possibleOutcomes)),然后用== choice替换in possibleOutcomes。祝你今天愉快:D


    def example():
        mychoice = random.choice(PossibleOutcomes)
        if "Yay you scored a 93 yard touchdown. This scenario is over. YOU WIN" == mychoice:
            print ("You would be an amazing head coach and luck will always be on your side")

        elif "You Gained 3 yards now it is 2nd and 7 from your own 16" == mychoice:
            print("It's your ball on the Seattle 16. The defense is in cover 2. What play do you want to run? Bubble catch, Strong HB toss, Hail Mary?")

            print("You would be a horrible head coach your team would never make the playoffs and you will be fired.")

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