





import numpy as np
from pyPeriod import Periods
from random import uniform

# define a signal
sr = 1000 # samplerate
f1 = 10 # frequency
f2 = 17
noise = 0.2 # percent noise

# Make some signals with some noise. The second signal has a slightly offset phase.
a = [np.sin((x*np.pi*2*f1)/sr)+(uniform(-1*noise, noise)) for x in range(2000)]
b = [np.sin(((x*np.pi*2*f2)/sr) + (np.pi*1.1))+(uniform(-1*noise, noise)) for x in range(2000)]
c = np.array(a)+np.array(b) # combine the signals

# normalize, though the algorithms can handle any range of signals (best if DC is removed)
c /= np.max(np.abs(c),axis=0)

p = Periods(c) # make an instance of Period

The output of each algorithm are three arrays consisting of:
  periods: the integer values of the periods found
  powers: the floating point values of the amount of "energy" removed by each period found
  bases: the arrays, equal in length to the input signal length, that contain the periodicities found

# find periodicities using the small-to-large algorithm
periods, powers, bases = p.small_to_large(thresh=0.1)

# find periodicities using the M-best algorithm
periods, powers, bases = p.m_best(num=10)

# find periodicities using the M-best gamma algorithm
periods, powers, bases = p.m_best_gamma(num=10)

# find periodicities using the best correlation algorithm
periods, powers, bases = p.best_correlation(num=10)

# find periodicities using the best frequency algorithm
periods, powers, bases = p.best_frequency(sr=sr, win_size=None, num=10)
## note that for best frequency, we need a samplerate. The window size, if not provided,
## is the same length as the input signal. A larger window is zero-padded, a smaller
## window is truncated (not good).


  • 从小到大
  • M-最佳
  • 最佳伽马射线
  • 最佳相关性
  • 最佳频率




  • numpy>=1.19.2


  • 雅各布·桑德斯特罗姆:加州大学圣地亚哥分校

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