








  1. 每文件副本设置,支持动态副本更改,目前没有数据重装功能

  2. 可通过添加/删除节点进行扩展

  3. 轻量级的纯python实现

  4. 支持命令行界面


  1. 名称节点(ldfsname):群集的中心节点,管理所有文件和目录索引。在

  2. 数据节点(ldfsdata):集群的数据节点,存储真实文件的块数据。在

  3. 命令行客户机(ldfs):用于与集群通信的命令行工具。在

  4. 图形客户端(ldfsviewer):与集群通信的图形工具。在



# this will install 4 commands: ldfsname, ldfsdata, ldfs, ldfsviewer
$ pip3 install litedfs





# generate configuration file & scripts
mkdir ./litedfs_name
cd ./litedfs_name
# this will generate configuration.yml and other scripts
ldfsname -g ./

# run manually
ldfsname -c ./configuration.yml or nohup ldfsname -c ./configuration.yml > /dev/null 2>&1&# install systemd service, user and group set to use which user and group to run ldfsname
sudo ./install_systemd_service.sh user group

# start
systemctl start litedfs-name

# stop
systemctl stop litedfs-name

# uninstall systemd service
sudo ./uninstall_systemd_service.sh

# test
$ curl localhost:9000
{"message": "LiteDFS name service"}



log_level:NOSET# NOSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICALlog_path:/home/pi/litedfs_data/logs# log file directory, can auto generate by ldfsdatahttp_host: data node's http hosthttp_port:8002# data node's http portname_http_host: name node's http hostname_http_port:9000# name node's http portname_tcp_host: name node's tcp hostname_tcp_port:6061# name node's tcp portheartbeat_interval:1# heartbeat interval, 1 secondsheartbeat_timeout:30# heartbeat timeout, 30 secondsretry_interval:5# retry to connect name node interval, when lost connection, 5 secondsdata_path:/home/pi/litedfs_data/data# data node data store directory, can auto generate by ldfsdata


# generate configuration file & scripts
mkdir ./litedfs_data
cd ./litedfs_data
# this will generate configuration.yml and other scripts
ldfsdata -g ./

# run manually
ldfsdata -c ./configuration.yml or nohup ldfsdata -c ./configuration.yml > /dev/null 2>&1&# install systemd service, user and group set to use which user and group to run ldfsdata
sudo ./install_systemd_service.sh user group

# start
systemctl start litedfs-data

# stop
systemctl stop litedfs-data

# uninstall systemd service
sudo ./uninstall_systemd_service.sh

# test
$ curl localhost:8002
{"message": "LiteDFS data service"}




log_level:NOSET# NOSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICALlog_path:/home/pi/litedfs_viewer/logs# log file directory, can auto generate by ldfsviewerhttp_host: viewer's http hosthttp_port:8088# viewer's http portname_http_host: name node's http hostname_http_port:9000# name node's http portdata_path:/home/pi/litedfs_viewer/data# viewer data store directory, can auto generate by ldfsviewer


# generate configuration file & scripts
mkdir ./litedfs_viewer
cd ./litedfs_viewer
# this will generate configuration.yml and other scripts
ldfsviewer -g ./

# run manually
ldfsviewer -c ./configuration.yml or nohup ldfsviewer -c ./configuration.yml > /dev/null 2>&1&# install systemd service, user and group set to use which user and group to run ldfsviewer
sudo ./install_systemd_service.sh user group

# start
systemctl start litedfs-viewer

# stop
systemctl stop litedfs-viewer

# uninstall systemd service
sudo ./uninstall_systemd_service.sh

# test# use web browser open: http://localhost:8088


# list root directory
$ ldfs localhost:9000 directory list -r /
# | id | type | size | name# create test directory
$ ldfs localhost:9000 directory create -r /test
create directory[/test] success

# list root directory again
$ ldfs localhost:9000 directory list -r /
# | id | type      | size | name1|| directory |0|test# create a file
$ ldfs localhost:9000 file create -r /test/test.tar.gz -l ./examples.tar.gz 
create file[/test/test.tar.gz] success

# list test directory
$ ldfs localhost:9000 directory list -r /test
# | id                                   | type | size      | name       1| 878b17d4-cc11-4bba-88b0-2186b77ef552 | file |110237727| test.tar.gz

# create test2 directory
$ ldfs localhost:9000 directory create -r /test2
create directory[/test2] success

# list root directory again
$ ldfs localhost:9000 directory list -r /
# | id | type      | size | name 1|| directory |0|test2|| directory |0| test2

# move test.tar.gz into test2 directory
$ ldfs localhost:9000 file move -s /test/test.tar.gz -t /test2
move file[/test/test.tar.gz] to /test2 success

# list test directory again
$ ldfs localhost:9000 directory list -r /test
# | id | type | size | name# list test2 directory again
$ ldfs localhost:9000 directory list -r /test2
# | id                                   | type | size      | name       1| 878b17d4-cc11-4bba-88b0-2186b77ef552 | file |110237727| test.tar.gz

# create file with replica 2
$ ldfs localhost:9000 file create -r /test/test.tar.gz -l ./examples.tar.gz -R 2
create file[/test/test.tar.gz] success

# update file replica 3
$ ldfs localhost:9000 file create -r /test/test.tar.gz -l ./examples.tar.gz -R 3
update file[/test/test.tar.gz] success

# download /test/test.tar.gz to local file ./test.tar.gz
$ ldfs localhost:9000 file download -r /test/test.tar.gz -l ./test.tar.gz
download file[/test/test.tar.gz => ./test.tar.gz] success

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