infoblox nios的接口和cli应用


一个非正式的python库,用于与infoblox nios接口。这个库与没有任何关联。

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  • python 2.6、2.7、3.2、3.3
  • (仅限python 2.6)


usage: infoblox-host [-h][--version][--debug][-u USERNAME][-p PASSWORD]
          <Infoblox Address> {add,remove} <FQDN> [IPv4 Address][COMMENT]

Add or remove a host from the Infoblox appliance

positional arguments:
  <Infoblox Address>    The Infoblox hostname
  {add,remove}          Specify if you are adding or removing a host
  <FQDN>                The FQDN for the host
  [IPv4 Address]        The IPv4 address for the host
  [COMMENT]             A comment set on the host when adding.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --debug               Enable debug output
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        The username to perform the work as. Default: admin
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        The password to authenticate with. Default: infoblox


importinfobloxsession=infoblox.Session('','admin','infoblox')host=infoblox.Host(session)''host.add_ipv4addr('')'Host saved')

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