

License: LGPL-3

dodoo-initializer是一组有用的odoo维护函数。 它们也可以作为cli脚本(基于dodoo)提供 作为可组合的python函数。


Usage: dodoo-initializer [OPTIONS]

  Create an Odoo database with pre-installed modules.

  Almost like standard Odoo does with the -i option, except this script
  manages a cache of database templates with the exact same addons
  installed. This is particularly useful to save time when initializing test

  Cached templates are identified by computing a sha1 checksum of modules
  provided with the -m option, including their dependencies and
  corresponding auto_install modules.

  -n, --new-database TEXT   Name of new database to create, possibly from
                            cache. If absent, only the cache trimming
                            operation is executed.
  -m, --modules TEXT        Comma separated list of addons to install.
                            [default: base]
  --demo / --no-demo        Load Odoo demo data.  [default: True]
  --cache / --no-cache      Use a cache of database templates with the exact
                            same addons installed. Disabling this option also
                            disables all other cache-related operations such
                            as max-age or size. Note: when the cache is
                            enabled, all attachments created during database
                            initialization are stored in database instead of
                            the default Odoo file store.  [default: True]
  --cache-prefix TEXT       Prefix to use when naming cache template databases
                            (max 8 characters). CAUTION: all databases named
                            like {prefix}-____________-% will eventually be
                            dropped by the cache control mechanism, so choose
                            the prefix wisely.  [default: cache]
  --cache-max-age INTEGER   Drop cache templates that have not been used for
                            more than N days. Use -1 to disable.  [default:
  --cache-max-size INTEGER  Keep N most recently used cache templates. Use -1
                            to disable. Use 0 to empty cache.  [default: 5]
  -c, --config FILE         Specify the Odoo configuration file. Other ways to
                            provide it are with the ODOO_RC or OPENERP_SERVER
                            environment variables, or ~/.odoorc (Odoo >=10)
                            or ~/.openerp_serverrc.
  --log-level TEXT          Specify the logging level. Accepted values depend
                            on the Odoo version, and include debug, info,
                            warn, error.  [default: info]
  --logfile FILE            Specify the log file.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.



  • 圣潘比杜尔(ACSONE
  • 托马斯·宾斯菲尔德(ACSONE
  • 本杰明威利(ACSONE
  • 大卫阿诺德(XOE



该项目由Acsone SA/NV和XoE Copr共同维护。SAS公司。


0.6.0 (2019-01-24)

  • 重构为dodoo插件

0.5.2 (2019-01-22)

  • 不限制db regex:引用的标识符没有限制规范。

0.5.1 (2018-12-05)

  • 添加加载项路径选项

0.5.0 (2018-11-04)

  • 第一个Dodoo版本

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