

#djangoshop gestpay


[gestpay](对[django shop]的支付集成(。



  • [Django商店]
  • [gestpypay]



`bash pip install djangoshop-gestpay `


`python INSTALLED_APPS += ['shop_gestpay'] SHOP_CART_MODIFIERS += ['shop_gestpay.modifiers.GestPayPaymentModifier'] SHOP_ORDER_WORKFLOWS += ['shop_gestpay.payment.GestPayWorkflowMixin'] SHOP_GESTPAY_SHOP_LOGIN = '<shopLogin>'  # GestPay shop login ID. `


`python SHOP_GESTPAY_SERVER = ''  # Set to '' for testing. SHOP_GESTPAY_SEND_BUYER_NAME = False  # Send buyer name param to GestPay or not. SHOP_GESTPAY_SEND_BUYER_EMAIL = False  # Send buyer email param to GestPay or not. SHOP_GESTPAY_SEND_LANGUAGE = False  # Send language param to GestPay or not. SHOP_GESTPAY_PAYMENT_VIEW = False  # Set if a separate payment view should be rendered before sending to GestPay. SHOP_GESTPAY_CART_URL = SHOP_CART_URL = 'shop:cart-list'  # Url of a cart, used to redirect in some cases. SHOP_GESTPAY_THANK_YOU_URL = SHOP_THANK_YOU_URL = None  # Thank you url, if None latest order is used. SHOP_GESTPAY_COMMISION_PERCENTAGE = None  # Set to add commision percentage for purchase via GestPay. SHOP_GESTPAY_MODIFIER_CHOICE_TEXT = 'GestPay'  # Text displayed as a choice for selecting GestPay payment. SHOP_GESTPAY_ERROR_MESSAGE = None  # Message added to django messages framework there's a transaction error. SHOP_GESTPAY_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = None  # Message added to django messages framework transaction is successful. `

[姜戈店]: [gestpypay]:

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