


met2img(deepmg)是使用深度学习和经典学习算法进行亚基因组分析的计算框架: (自2019年4月26日起(1.0.0及更高版本)转换为蟒蛇3

  • 支持将数据可视化成二维图像,使用多种不同算法训练1d或2d形状的数据,并使用预先训练的网络预测新数据。
  • 提供多种存储空间:SPB、QTF、MMS,…
  • 支持多种可视化数据的方法,包括填充、t分布随机邻域嵌入(t-sne)、线性判别分析(lda)、isomap、主成分分析(pca)、随机投影(rd-pro)、多维标度(mds)、谱嵌入。(SE)、非负矩阵分解(NMF)、局部线性嵌入(LLE)。
  • 提供大量分类器(卷积神经网络、线性回归、随机森林、支持向量机、k近邻、梯度增强、k近邻……也可以从预先训练好的网络中加载,并且可以轻松地扩展)1D和2D数据。
  • 包括交叉验证分析、内部验证和外部验证(可选)以及保留验证。
  • 支持在使用PCA、RD U Pro可视化之前减少维度(对于非常维度的数据)
  • 提供了测试具有大范围参数的模型的灵活性。
  • 支持不同的数据类型,如丰度和不同级别的otu读取计数,如物种、属……
  • 用不同的指标评估模型:准确性(acc)、曲线下面积(auc)、马修斯相关系数(mcc)、f1评分、混淆矩阵,…
  • 25个可用数据集,包含5000个测试样本(下载自met2img,deepmg)
  • 该软件包现在可以通过pip命令安装,支持macos、linux
  • met2bin是生成1D表示的扩展版本。



	author    = {Thanh Hai Nguyen and
               Yann Chevaleyre and
               Edi Prifti and
               Nataliya Sokolovska and
               Jean{-}Daniel Zucker},
  title     = {Deep Learning for Metagenomic Data: using 2D Embeddings and Convolutional
               Neural Networks},
  journal   = {CoRR, NIPS 2017 Workshop on Machine Learning for Health},
  volume    = {abs/1712.00244},
  year      = {2017},
  url       = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1712.00244},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/corr/abs-1712-00244},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}



  • 如果没有,请安装:
python3 -m pip install numpy
python3 -m pip install matplotlib
python3 -m pip install ConfigParser
python3 -m pip install pandas
python3 -m pip install sklearn
python3 -m pip install tensorflow
python3 -m pip install keras
python3 -m pip install keras_sequential_ascii
  • 为了使用这些软件包解释所培训的网络,请下载并安装:


[石灰](https://github.com/marcotcr/lime/tree/master/doc/notebooks" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/marcotcr/lime/tree/master/doc/notebooks)



pip install deepmg


git clone https://git.integromics.fr/published/deepmg



  • 输入

    • 必需:包含数据(*u x.csv)和标签(*u y.csv)的csv文件
    • 可选:如果使用外部验证集:数据(*z_x.csv)和标签(*z_y.csv))放入数据中,可使用参数进行更改--原始数据文件夹

    例如,[metaml]中肝硬化数据集的cirphy_x.csv和cirphy_y.csv(http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004977" rel="nofollow">https://journals.plos.org/ploscopbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004977)仅用于内部验证;和ibdtrainhs_ucr_x.csv ibdtrainhs_ucr_y.csv ibdtrainhs_ucrz_x.csv ibdtrainhs_ucrz_y.csv用于[Sokol's]中的数据集(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26843508" rel="nofollow">https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26843508)包含外部验证集的数据集。

  • 输出

    • 图像:met2img将生成图像并将其存储在[images/name_dataset_parameters_to_generate_image/](images/)(可使用参数进行更改--parent_folder_img

    • 结果:每个折叠的性能/培训/测试信息和摘要结果放入[结果/名称数据集_参数_生成_图像/](结果/)(可使用参数进行更改--父文件夹_结果),包含5个以上文件:

      • *file_sum.txt:用于运行的参数,每次折叠时的性能。最后一行显示了acc、auc、执行时间和其他实验指标的训练/测试性能。实验完成后,在标记实验完成的文件名后附加一个后缀"_ok"(可以用参数"suff fini"进行更改)。

      • *文件_each fold.txt(如果--save_folds=y):每一次折叠的准确结果、AUC、MCC、训练和测试损失。

      • *file_mean_acc.txt(如果--save_avg_run=y):如果实验包括独立重复的n运行,那么该文件包括每次运行的k倍上的平均性能,由精度和开始训练/测试时的时间执行来衡量。ng/完成后测试。

      • *file_mean_auc.txt(如果--save_avg_run=y):如果实验包括独立重复的n运行,则该文件包括每次运行的k-在开始的训练/测试、结束的训练/测试时由auc测量的倍数的平均性能。D.

      • 如果要重复实验,请保存配置文件

      • 如果使用--save_w=y(保存训练网络的权重)和/或--save_entire_w=y--save_d=y,则将创建两个文件夹:

        • results/name_dataset_parameters_to_generate_image/models/:includes*weightmodel*.json包含模型的结构*weightmodel*.h5存储权重。

        • 结果/name_dataset_parameters_to_generate_image/details/*weight挈txt:包含每个时期的准确性和训练和测试的损失。如果--save_rf=y,则每次运行时,我们都会从RFS中生成重要分数。

  • 获取帮助以查看包中的参数:

Usage: dev_met2img.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a TYPE_RUN, --type_run=TYPE_RUN
                        Select a type of processing, visual (vis)
                        transformation of the data, learning (learn) a model,
                        testing it in another dataset, or predicting (predict)
                        new data, or creating config file (config)
                        Specify the path of the config file if reading
                        parameters from files
                         set the beginning seed for different runs (default:1)
                        if y: search existed experiments before running-->if
                        existed, stopping the experiment (default:y)
  --cudaid=CUDAID       id of the gpu card to use when multiple exist in the
                        server (if <=-3: use CPU, -2: use cpu if no available
                        gpu, -1: use all gpu, >=0: id of gpu), (default:-3)
                        gpu_memory_fraction for running by cuda
                        (0:auto_increase based on requirement)
                         seed for random projection (default:None)
  --debug=DEBUG         show DEBUG if >0 (default:0)
  --check=CHECK         check whether package can work properly or not (if
                        there is any error in installation)
                        choose the best coef from #coef default for tuning
                        coeficiency (default:5)
                        k-cross validation for each coef for tuning
                        coeficiency (default:4)
  --coef_ini=COEF_INI   initilized coefficient for tuning coeficiency
                        roc_auc/accuracy/neg_log_loss/grid_search_mmc for
                        tuning coeficiency (default:roc_auc)
                        name of parent folder containing images
                        parent folder containing data (default:data)
  -i DATA_NAME, --data_name=DATA_NAME
                        name of dataset (default:wt2phy)
                        parent folder containing results (default:results)
                        save avg performance of each run
                        save labels of each fold
  --save_d=SAVE_D       saving details of learning (details of each epoch -->
                        may consume more storage
  --save_w=SAVE_W       save weight mode, default:n, this might consume much
                        append suffix when finishing (default:ok), used to
                        mark finished experiment
  --save_rf=SAVE_RF     save important features and scores for Random Forests
                        save parameters to config files
                        path of config to save, if empty, save to the same
                        folder of the results
  --ext_data=EXT_DATA   external data, default:
                        save weight of model on whole datasets (default:n)
                        save results of each fold
                        play sound when finished (work on MacOS, default: n)
  -k N_FOLDS, --n_folds=N_FOLDS
                        number of k folds (default:10), if k == 1, training on
                        whole *_x.csv, and testing on *z_x.csv
  --test_ext=TEST_EXT   if==y, using external validation sets (default:n)
  --run_time=RUN_TIME   give the #runs (default:1)
                        give the #runs (default:1)
                        support resnet50/vgg16/vgg19, none: no use
                        path to a pretrained model, used for testing,
                        predicting or continue to train a data
                        test size in holdout validation, if != 0 or != 1, then
                        do cross validation
  -f NUMFILTERS, --numfilters=NUMFILTERS
                        #filters/neurons for each cnn/neural layer
                        #cnnlayer before each max pooling (default:1)
                        #maxpooling_layer (default:1)
                         dropout rate for CNN layer(s) (default:0)
  -d DROPOUT_FC, --dropout_fc=DROPOUT_FC
                        dropout rate for FC layer(s) (default:0)
  --padding=PADDING     y if use pad, others: does not use (default:n)
                        the filter size (default:3)
  --poolsize=POOLSIZE   the pooling size (default:2)
  --model=MODEL         model name for learning vgglike/model_lstm/resnet50/rf
  -c NUM_CLASSES, --num_classes=NUM_CLASSES
                        #output of the network (default:1)
  -e EPOCH, --epoch=EPOCH
                        the epoch used for training (default:500)
                         learning rate, if -1 use default value of the
                        optimizer (default:-1)
                        batch size (default:16)
                        learning rate decay (default:0)
  --momentum=MOMENTUM   momentum (default:0)
  -o OPTIMIZER, --optimizer=OPTIMIZER
                        support sgd/adam/Adamax/RMSprop/Adagrad/Adadelta/Nadam
  -l LOSS_FUNC, --loss_func=LOSS_FUNC
                        support binary_crossentropy/mae/squared_hinge/categori
                        cal_crossentropy  (default:binary_crossentropy)
  -q E_STOP, --e_stop=E_STOP
                        #epochs with no improvement after which training will
                        be stopped (default:5)
                        option to choose consective (self defined: consec)
                        consec or  norma, default:consec
  --svm_c=SVM_C         Penalty parameter C of the error term for SVM
                        the kernel type used in the algorithm (linear, poly,
                        rbf, sigmoid, precomputed) (default:linear)
                        The number of trees in the forest (default:500)
                        The number of max features in the forest (default:-2:
                        auto (sqrt), -1: all)
                        The number of deep tree (default:-1: None)
                        The Number of neighbors to use (default:5) in
  -z COEFF, --coeff=COEFF
                        coeffiency (divided) for input (should use 255 for
                        images) (default:1)
                        shuffle order of feature (not for manifolds learning):
                        if none, use original order of data, if high: higher
                        composition will be in the top  (default:none)
  --new_dim=NEW_DIM     new dimension after reduction (default:676)
                        read config for generating images (for qtf/mms combine
                        path to read learned data for visualizing (for qtf/mms
                        combine fills/manifolds)
  --del0=DEL0           if y, delete features have nothing
                        learning rate for generating visualizations
                        use label when using t-SNE:'': does not use
                        #iteration for run algorithm for visualization; for
                        tsne, it should be at least 250, but  do not set so
                        high (default:300)
                        ini for visualization algorithm (default:pca)
                        method for lle embedding:
                        standard/ltsa/hessian/modified (default:standard)
                        method for others (except for tsne) (default:auto)
                         vmin for cmap (default:0)
                        vmax for cmap (default:1)
                        scaler mode for input (default: Null)
                        n_quantile in quantiletransformer (default:1000)
                        minimum value for scaling (only for minmaxscaler)
                        maximum value for scaling (only for minmaxscaler)
  --min_v=MIN_V         limit min for Equal Width Binning (default:0)
  --max_v=MAX_V         limit max for Equal Width Binning (default:1), affect
                        for eqw ONLY
  --num_bin=NUM_BIN     the number of bins (default:10)
  --auto_v=AUTO_V       if = y, auto adjust min_v and max_v (default:0),
                        affect for eqw, and others in scaling
                        support caffe/tf (default:caffe)
  --channel=CHANNEL     channel of images, 1: gray, 2: color (default:3)
  -m DIM_IMG, --dim_img=DIM_IMG
                        width or height (square) of images, -1: get real size
                        of original images (default:-1)
                        visualize the model if > 0 (default:0)
                        algorithm of dimension reduction (rd_pro/pca/fa),  if
                        emtpy so do not use (default:)
                        perlexity for tsne (default:10)
                         ini for reduction (default:pca) of data (only use for
                        fillup) (default:none)
  -t TYPE_EMB, --type_emb=TYPE_EMB
                        type of the embedding (default:raw):
  --imp_fea=IMP_FEA     using important features for overlapped issues
  -g LABEL_EMB, --label_emb=LABEL_EMB
                        taxa level of labels provided in supervised embeddings
                        kingdom=1,phylum=2,class=3,order=4,family=5, genus=6
  --emb_data=EMB_DATA   data used for embbed with dimensionality reduction: :
                        transformed data; o: original data
  -y TYPE_BIN, --type_bin=TYPE_BIN
                        type of binnings: spb/eqw/pr/eqf (default:)
                        perlexity for tsne/#neighbors for others (default:5)
                        ouput  after embedding (default:2)
  -s SHAPE_DRAWN, --shape_drawn=SHAPE_DRAWN
                        shape of point to illustrate data:
                        (pixel)/ro/o(circle) (default:,)
  --fig_size=FIG_SIZE   fig_size to contain all features, if 0:smallest which
                        fit data,  (default:0)
                        point size for img (default:1)
  --colormap=COLORMAP   colormaps for generating images (rainbow
  --margin=MARGIN       margin to images (default:0)
  --alpha_v=ALPHA_V     1 (opaque) (default:1)
                         if >0 rerun to create images even though they are
                        existing (default:0)






  1. 选择RunonGPU,将CUDAID设置为(0,1,2,3)(机器上GPU的ID,ID=-1表示使用CPU)。注意:您的计算节点必须支持GPU并安装TensorFlow GPU。
  2. 选择参数为'-i'的数据集,例如'-i cirphy'(系统发育性肝硬化数据集)
  3. 选择带有参数'--model'的模型,例如'--model model\u cnn'。默认:具有一个完全连接层(FC)模型的模型
  4. 其他参数,请参见函数para_cmd()
  5. < > >


    参数:-n:卷积层数,-f:滤波器数, -T:嵌入类型(支持原始-1d和图像2d,如fillup、t-sne、isomap、lda等)

    python3 -m deepmg -i $db -t raw 
    python3 -m deepmg -i $db -t raw --model model_cnn1d -n 1 -f 64 



    python3 -m deepmg -i $db -t fill -y spb  -z 255 --colormap gray --channel 1
    python3 -m deepmg -i $db -t fill -y spb  -z 255 --colormap gray --channel 1 --model model_cnn -n 1 -f 64 


    python3 -m deepmg -i $db -t fill -y pr  -z 255 --colormap gray --channel 1


    python3 -m deepmg -i $db -t fills -y eqw --scale_mode qtf --auto_v y   -z 255 --colormap gray --channel 1


    	author    = {Thanh Hai Nguyen and
                   Yann Chevaleyre and
                   Edi Prifti and
                   Nataliya Sokolovska and
                   Jean{-}Daniel Zucker},
      title     = {Deep Learning for Metagenomic Data: using 2D Embeddings and Convolutional
                   Neural Networks},
      journal   = {CoRR, NIPS 2017 Workshop on Machine Learning for Health},
      volume    = {abs/1712.00244},
      year      = {2017},
      url       = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1712.00244},
      archivePrefix = {arXiv},
      biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/corr/abs-1712-00244},
      bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}


    我们还可以测试其他嵌入,如isomap,lle,… 我们使用24x24(--fig_大小24)和透明率(alpha_v=0.5)的图像

    	author    = {Thanh Hai Nguyen and
                   Yann Chevaleyre and
                   Edi Prifti and
                   Nataliya Sokolovska and
                   Jean{-}Daniel Zucker},
      title     = {Deep Learning for Metagenomic Data: using 2D Embeddings and Convolutional
                   Neural Networks},
      journal   = {CoRR, NIPS 2017 Workshop on Machine Learning for Health},
      volume    = {abs/1712.00244},
      year      = {2017},
      url       = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1712.00244},
      archivePrefix = {arXiv},
      biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/corr/abs-1712-00244},
      bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}



    6个数据集的脚本(文件:cirphy_*(cirphy_x.csv用于数据,cirphy_y.csv用于标签,为了在该数据集上运行培训,请将参数-i设置为"-i cirphy")、colphy_*、ibdphy_*、obephy_*、t2dphy_*、wt2dphy_*)设置为a组[metaml](https://journals.plos.org/ploscopbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004977):

    • 1d:运行具有1d数据的模型的脚本
    • 流形iso:使用基于isomap的可视化训练物种丰富度。
    • 多方面mds:使用基于mds的可视化训练物种丰富度。
    • 流形nmf:使用基于nmf的可视化训练物种丰富度。
    • 流形pca:使用基于pca的可视化训练物种丰富度。
    • 流形lda1,2,3,4,5,6:使用基于lda(监督)的可视化训练物种丰富度,标签使用不同水平的otus(1:王国,2:门,3:类,4:顺序,5:科,6:属)。
    • Phy0_24_CMAP_r:调查大量的彩色地图(Viridis、Rainbow、Jet,…)
    • phyfill0_vgg:研究vgg架构的各种参数。
    • fill0cnn:使用不同cnn超参数填充运行实验。
    • phyFill0 rnd:使用填充随机特征排序的实验




    只需添加"-v 1"即可可视化网络。要使用此功能,请安装"keras_sequential_ascii"

    	author    = {Thanh Hai Nguyen and
                   Yann Chevaleyre and
                   Edi Prifti and
                   Nataliya Sokolovska and
                   Jean{-}Daniel Zucker},
      title     = {Deep Learning for Metagenomic Data: using 2D Embeddings and Convolutional
                   Neural Networks},
      journal   = {CoRR, NIPS 2017 Workshop on Machine Learning for Health},
      volume    = {abs/1712.00244},
      year      = {2017},
      url       = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1712.00244},
      archivePrefix = {arXiv},
      biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/corr/abs-1712-00244},
      bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}



    	author    = {Thanh Hai Nguyen and
                   Yann Chevaleyre and
                   Edi Prifti and
                   Nataliya Sokolovska and
                   Jean{-}Daniel Zucker},
      title     = {Deep Learning for Metagenomic Data: using 2D Embeddings and Convolutional
                   Neural Networks},
      journal   = {CoRR, NIPS 2017 Workshop on Machine Learning for Health},
      volume    = {abs/1712.00244},
      year      = {2017},
      url       = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1712.00244},
      archivePrefix = {arXiv},
      biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/corr/abs-1712-00244},
      bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}



    • 读取结果.py:收集所有实验:
      • 每行显示acc,auc,mcc,f1得分,执行时间…(results_sum.txt)
      • 每一行显示一个关于acc,auc,mcc,混淆矩阵的实验结果。(results_folds.txt)
      • 每行显示一个实验的外部验证结果,包括acc,auc,mcc,混淆矩阵…(结果文本)
    • unf_delete.py:删除/计数未完成实验的未完成日志文件。


    • Thanh Hai Nguyen(电子邮件:hainguyen579[at]gmail.com或nthai[at]cit.ctu.edu.vn)
    • edi-prifti(电子邮件:e.prifti[at]ican institute.org)
    • Nataliya Sokolovska(电子邮件:Nataliya.Sokolovska[at]upmc.fr)
    • 让·丹尼尔·祖克(jean-daniel zucker)(电子邮件:jean-daniel.zucker[at]ird.fr)

    欢迎加入QQ群-->: 979659372 Python中文网_新手群


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