


这个包提供了许多查询web服务的方法 书目信息,包括两个用于查询和重命名的脚本 ISBN提供的文件。


biblio.webquery[1]可以通过多种方式安装。 首选setuptools[2],但手动安装将 够了。



% easy_install biblio.webquery



下载源tarball,解包并调用setup.py 安装:

% tar zxvf biblio.webquery.tgz
% cd biblio.webquery
% python setup.py install



根据您的平台,脚本可以安装为.py脚本, 或者某种形式的可执行文件,或者两者兼而有之。



queryisbn.py [options] ISBNs ...


--versionshow program’s version number and exit
-h, --helpshow this help message and exit
--debugFor errors, issue a full traceback instead of just a message.
-s SERVICE, --service=SERVICE
The webservice to query. Choices are xisbn (WorldCat xISBN), isbndb (ISBNdb). The default is xisbn.
-k KEY, --key=KEY
The access key for the webservice, if one is required.


% queryisbn.py 1568385048 1564145026
   title: Drop the rock : removing character defects
   authors: [Bill Pittman, Todd Weber]
   publisher: Hazelden
   year: 1999
   lang: eng
   title: Stop clutter from stealing your life : discover why you clutter and how you can stop
   authors: [Mike Nelson]
   publisher: New Page Books
   year: 2001
   lang: eng
% /queryisbn.py --debug -s isbndb -k OPNH8HG2 1568385048 1564145026
   title: Drop the Rock: Removing Character Defects
   authors: [Bill Pittman, Todd Weber]
   authors: [Mike Nelson]


从文件名中提取ISBN,查找相关书目 Web服务中的信息并相应地重命名文件。

renamebyisbn.py [options] FILES ...


--versionshow program’s version number and exit
-h, --helpshow this help message and exit
--debugFor errors, issue a full traceback instead of just a message.
-s SERVICE, --service=SERVICE
The webservice to query. Choices are xisbn (WorldCat xISBN), isbndb (ISBNdb). The default is xisbn.
-k KEY, --key=KEY
The access key for the webservice, if one is required.
-c CASE, --case=CASE
Case conversion of the new file name. Choices are orig, upper, lower.The default is orig.
Leave excess whitespace. By default, consecutive spaces in names are compacted
Replace whitespace in the new name with this string.
Remove these characters from the new name. By default this are ‘:!,’”.?()’.
--overwriteOverwrite existing files.
--dryrunCheck function and without renaming files.
The form to use for renaming the file. The fields recognised are auth (primary authors family name), title (full title of the book), short_title (abbreviated title), isbn, year (year of publication). The default is ‘%(auth)s%(year)s_%(short_title)s_(isbn%(isbn)s)’.
Use this string if value is undefined.

在各种处理选项被 应用。按顺序,从名称中去掉字符,多余的空格是 折叠,然后应用大小写转换。我们建议你试试干跑 在重命名任何文件之前。文件扩展名(如果有)在重命名之前被删除,然后重新应用。

例如,使用名为“0763718165.jones course.djvu”、“helm_0671708821(orig.pdf”、“tutor_9780198568322.rar”、“unce.9783540237730.27380.pdf”的4个文件:

% renamebyisbn.py --dryrun books/*
Original books/0763718165.Jones Course.djvu ...
~ extracted ISBN 0763718165 ...
~ found Andersen - Data structures in Java : a laboratory course
~ new name Andersen2001_Data structures in Java_isbn0763718165.
~ new path books/Andersen2001_Data structures in Java_isbn0763718165.djvu.
Original books/helm_0671708821 (orig).pdf ...
~ extracted ISBN 0671708821 ...
~ found Helmstetter - What to say when you talk about yourself.
~ new name Helmstetter1990_What to say when you talk about yourself_isbn0671708821.
~ new path books/Helmstetter1990_What to say when you talk about yourself_isbn0671708821.pdf.
Original books/tutor_9780198568322.rar ...
~ extracted ISBN 9780198568322 ...
~ found Skilling - Data analysis : a Bayesian tutorial ; [for scientists and engineers]
~ new name Skilling2006_Data analysis_isbn9780198568322.
~ new path books/Skilling2006_Data analysis_isbn9780198568322.rar.
Original books/unce.9783540237730.27380.pdf ...
~ extracted ISBN 9783540237730 ...
~ found McDaniel - Uncertainty and surprise in complex systems questions on working with the unexpected
~ new name McDaniel2005_Uncertainty and surprise in complex systems questions on working with the unexpected_isbn9783540237730.
~ new path books/McDaniel2005_Uncertainty and surprise in complex systems questions on working with the unexpected_isbn9783540237730.pdf.

% renamebyisbn.py --case lower --replace_whitespace ' ' --template '%(auth)s%(year)s_%(short_title)s_isbn%(isbn)s' books/*
Original books/0763718165.Jones Course.djvu ...
~ extracted ISBN 0763718165 ...
~ found Andersen - Data structures in Java : a laboratory course
~ new name andersen2001_data-structures-in-java_isbn0763718165.
~ new path books/andersen2001_data-structures-in-java_isbn0763718165.djvu.
~ renaming file
Original books/helm_0671708821 (orig).pdf ...
~ extracted ISBN 0671708821 ...
~ found Helmstetter - What to say when you talk about yourself.
~ new name helmstetter1990_what-to-say-when-you-talk-about-yourself_isbn0671708821.
~ new path books/helmstetter1990_what-to-say-when-you-talk-about-yourself_isbn0671708821.pdf.
~ renaming file
Original books/tutor_9780198568322.rar ...
~ extracted ISBN 9780198568322 ...
~ found Skilling - Data analysis : a Bayesian tutorial ; [for scientists and engineers]
~ new name skilling2006_data-analysis_isbn9780198568322.
~ new path books/skilling2006_data-analysis_isbn9780198568322.rar.
~ renaming file
Original books/unce.9783540237730.27380.pdf ...
~ extracted ISBN 9783540237730 ...
~ found McDaniel - Uncertainty and surprise in complex systems questions on working with the unexpected
~ new name mcdaniel2005_uncertainty-and-surprise-in-complex-systems-questions-on-working-with-the-unexpected_isbn9783540237730.
~ new path books/mcdaniel2005_uncertainty-and-surprise-in-complex-systems-questions-on-working-with-the-unexpected_isbn9783540237730.pdf.
~ renaming file



* BaseWebQuery, a simple class for encapsulating queries to webservices

* BaseKeyedWebQuery, ditto except allowing for access keys

* XisbnQuery and IsbndbQuery, for fetching bibliographic information from
Worldcat xISBN and ISBNdb services respectively

* QueryThrottle, for limiting the frequency or total number of service

* BibRecord, a general class for holding bibliographic information

* PersonalName, a class for holding a name along functions for parsing
names into this class.


塔诺斯·瓦西拉基斯(thanosvasilakis)发布了一个类似a very useful module的内容,供isbn查询。不管怎么看 从自己的网站上消失了。




  • 在源代码分发中包含文档。


  • 首次公开发行。

  • 初次发布。

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