




模块中的Badge类用于生成状态徽章。它 支持多种配置选项,如字体、背景等 包括阈值支持,用于显示作业状态 例子。



from abadge import Badge

success_badge = Badge(value_text_color='#11a')
print(success_badge.to_html('build', 'passed'))
print(success_badge.to_html('tests', 'ok'))


print(Badge(label='tests', value='4/8').to_html())
print(Badge().to_html(label='tests', value='4/8'))  # Same thing
print(Badge.make_badge(tests, '4/8'))               # This too

所有方法的参数都相同。关于 构造函数将作为默认值存储在实例中,然后 被to_html方法的参数重写。make_badge总是 使用类默认配置(它是一个类方法)。



label:text for the label (left) part. Can also be given as keyword argument ^{tt5}$
value:text for the value (right) part. Can also be given as keyword argument ^{tt6}$

^{tt7}$:how rounded the corners of the badge should be (CSS “^{tt8}$”)
^{tt9}$:font to use in the badge (CSS “^{tt10}$”)
^{tt11}$:font size to use in the badge (CSS “^{tt12}$”)
^{tt13}$:the text in label part of the badge
background color for the label (left) part (CSS “^{tt15}$”)
text color for the label (left) part (CSS “^{tt17}$”)
configuration for the text shadow (CSS “^{tt19}$”)
decoration for the link (CSS “^{tt21}$”)
^{tt8}$:amount of space between the border and the text (CSS “^{tt8}$”)
^{tt24}$:dict with label-specific configuration options, so that multiple labels can be handled by the same class instance. See Thresholds below
^{tt25}$:makes the badge link to the given URL
^{tt26}$:the text in the value part of the badge
background color for the value part (CSS “^{tt15}$”). This is also the final fallback if the value is neither found in ^{tt24}$ nor in ^{tt30}$
dict with value to ^{tt27}$ mappings. See Thresholds below
text color for the value part (CSS “^{tt17}$”)
configuration for the text shadow (CSS “^{tt19}$”)


参数thresholds是一个dict,label作为键和配置 dict作为值。dict支持以下键:

^{tt38}$:May be: ^{tt39}$, ^{tt40}$, ^{tt41}$, ^{tt42}$, or ^{tt43}$, with ^{tt39}$ being the default if ^{tt38}$ does not exist. ^{tt40}$, ^{tt41}$ and ^{tt42}$ forces level of that type (see below). ^{tt39}$ uses ordering of type float or int if all values in ^{tt50}$ are numbers type, with ^{tt40}$ taking precedence. If ^{tt39}$ is set and at least one value is a string, or if ^{tt43}$ is set, then an exact match is used for determining color, ie. no ordering
^{tt50}$:dict with value to color mapping
^{tt55}$:Value is a color. if an ordering is requested, and the given value is above the highest value (key) in ^{tt50}$, then this color is used
^{tt57}$:Whether to shade the color depending on distance between the thresholds. Each R, G, and B color is calculated based on the fraction of the distance of the value between the thresholds

通过对colorsdict中的键进行排序并比较 每个键的传入值,从具有最低值的键开始 值,直到该值小于或等于键:

for k in sorted(thresholds['colors'].keys, key=<sort by type>):
    if value <= k:
        return thresholds['colors'][k]
return thresholds['above']



build_badge = Badge(thresholds={
    'build': {
        'colors': {'SUCCESS': '#0f0',
                   'FAILURE': '#f00',
                   'UNSTABLE': '#ff0',
                   'ABORTED': '#f80', }},
    'KPI': {
        'order': 'str',
        'colors': {'A': '#0f4',
                   'B': '#f04',
                   'C': '#f84',
                   'D': '#ff4', }},
    'passrate': {
        'colors': {0.3: '#f00',
                   0.6: '#c40',
                   0.8: '#4c0', },
        'above': '#0f0', }})

print(build_badge.to_html('build', 'UNSTABLE'))

# Using a non-existing value will use the value_background color
print(build_badge.to_html('build', 'SKIP'))
print(build_badge.to_html('build', 'HOP', value_background='#ccc'))
print(build_badge.to_html('passrate', 0.5))

如果在thresholds中找不到该颜色,则将查找该值 在value_backgroundsdict中作为回退:

build_badge = Badge(thresholds={
    'build': {
        'colors': {'SUCCESS': '#0f0',
                   'FAILURE': '#f00',
                   'UNSTABLE': '#ff0',
                   'ABORTED': '#f80', }},
    'value_backgrounds': {'SUCCESS': '#0f4',
                          'FAILURE': '#f04',
                          'UNSTABLE': '#f84',
                          'ABORTED': '#ff4'}})
print(build_badge.to_html('test', 'ABORTED'))

着色不产生颜色步骤,而是在 门槛。着色仅适用于“float”和“int”类型:

build_badge = Badge(thresholds={
    'speed': {
        'shade': True,
        'colors': {0: '#0f0',
                   120: '#f00'},  # speed limit
        'above': '#f08'}}         # too fast!
print(build_badge.to_html('speed', 97))

# Here is the rainbow
build_badge = Badge(thresholds={
    'rainbow': {
        'shade': True,
        'colors': {0.0: '#ff0000',
                   1.0: '#ffff00',
                   2.0: '#00ff00',
                   3.0: '#00ffff',
                   4.0: '#0000ff',
                   5.0: '#8000ff'}}})

for c in range(0, 11):
    print(build_badge.to_html('rainbow', c / 2.0))

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