有 Java 编程相关的问题?




import java.util.*;
public class Bored {
    static String message;
    static int arr[];
    static String messagefinal[];
    //starter helps determine if even/odd numbers are effected
    //mover is where the shifter variable goes
    //signchanger determines if shifter is added/subtracted
    public static void shift(int starter, int mover, int signchanger, int adder) {
        for (int i = starter; i < message.length(); i = i + adder) {
            arr[i] = arr[i] + mover * signchanger;
            if (arr[i] > 126) {
                arr[i] = arr[i] - 95;
            } else if (arr[i] < 32) {
                arr[i] = arr[i] + 95;

    //This creates the shifters
    //theBound is one of the keys and theRandom is one of the randoms
    public static int shiftercreate(int theBound, Random theRandom) {
        int x = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < theBound; i++) {
            x = theRandom.nextInt(23) + 1;
        return x;

    //This prints out the message
    public static void printMessage(int printInitial, int printBound) {
        for (int i = printInitial; i < printBound; i++) {
            String printed = messagefinal[i];
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        //This gets the keys, encoding/decoding, and the message
        Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Enter the first key: ");
        int key1 = scnr.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Enter the second key: ");
        int key2 = scnr.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Encoding or Decoding (1/2): ");
        int decider = scnr.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Enter Message: ");
        message = scnr.nextLine();

        //This changes one of the keys if they are the same
        if (key1 == key2) {
            key2 = key1 + key2 + key1 * key2;

        if (decider == 1) {
            //This mixes up the message
            int len = message.length();
            String firsthalf = message.substring(0, len / 2), secondhalf = message.substring(len / 2);
            message = secondhalf + firsthalf;

        //This makes the message into an array of Ascii
        arr = new int[message.length()];
        for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) {
            arr[i] = message.charAt(i);

        //This creates the rands
        Random rand1 = new Random(1006030090 / key1);
        Random rand2 = new Random(2070090000 / key2);
        Random r1 = new Random(93432098 % key1);
        Random r2 = new Random(427492379 % key2);

        //This determines the shifters
        int shifter1, shifter2, s1, s2, s3, s4;
        shifter1 = 0;
        shifter2 = s1 = s2 = s3 = s4 = shifter1;
        shifter1 = shiftercreate(key2, rand1);
        shifter2 = shiftercreate(key1, rand2);
        s1 = shiftercreate(key1, r2);
        s2 = shiftercreate(key2, r1);
        s3 = shiftercreate(key1, r1);
        s4 = shiftercreate(key2, r2);

        //This creates the bound variables
        Random boundRand = new Random(Math.abs(key1 + key2 + shifter1 + shifter2 + s1 + s2 - s3 + s4));
        int mainBound = boundRand.nextInt(10) + 10;
        int evenBound = boundRand.nextInt(7) + boundRand.nextInt(2) + 14;
        int oddBound = boundRand.nextInt(5) + boundRand.nextInt(5) + 8;
        int secondRound = boundRand.nextInt(10) + 17;
        int thirdRound = boundRand.nextInt(4) + boundRand.nextInt(5) + 3;
        int fourthRound = boundRand.nextInt(8) + boundRand.nextInt(9);
        int fifthRound = boundRand.nextInt(10) + 15;

        //This is the encoder
        if (decider == 1) {

            for (int i = 0; i < mainBound; i++) {

                //This shifts the even numbers by the "shifter1" value
                for (int j = 0; j < evenBound; j++) {
                    shift(0, shifter1, 1, 2);

                //This shifts the odd numbers by the "shifter2" value
                for (int j = 0; j < oddBound; j++) {
                    shift(1, shifter2, 1, 2);

                //This is the second round of shifting done by fours
                for (int j = 0; j < secondRound; j++) {
                    shift(0, s1, 1, 4);
                    shift(1, s2, 1, 4);
                    shift(2, s3, 1, 4);
                    shift(3, s4, 1, 4);

                //This is the third round of shifting done by threes
                for (int j = 0; j < thirdRound; j++) {
                    shift(0, s3, 1, 3);
                    shift(1, s2, 1, 3);
                    shift(2, s4, 1, 3);

                //This is the fourth round of shifting done by fives
                for (int j = 0; j < fourthRound; j++) {
                    shift(0, shifter2, 1, 5);
                    shift(1, s1, 1, 5);
                    shift(2, s2, 1, 5);
                    shift(3, shifter1, 1, 5);
                    shift(4, s4, 1, 5);

                //This is the fifth round of shifting done by sevens
                for (int j = 0; j < fifthRound; j++) {
                    shift(0, shifter1 + shifter2, 1, 7);
                    shift(1, s1 + s3, 1, 7);
                    shift(2, s3 + s4, 1, 7);
                    shift(3, shifter2 + s2, 1, 7);
                    shift(4, shifter1 + s3, 1, 7);
                    shift(5, shifter2 + s4, 1, 7);
                    shift(6, s2 + s4, 1, 7);

            //This is the decoder
        } else if (decider == 2) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mainBound; i++) {
                //This decodes the fifth round of shifting
                for (int j = 0; j < fifthRound; j++) {
                    shift(0, shifter1 + shifter2, -1, 7);
                    shift(1, s1 + s3, -1, 7);
                    shift(2, s3 + s4, -1, 7);
                    shift(3, shifter2 + s2, -1, 7);
                    shift(4, shifter1 + s3, -1, 7);
                    shift(5, shifter2 + s4, -1, 7);
                    shift(6, s2 + s4, -1, 7);

                //This decodes the fourth round of shifting
                for (int j = 0; j < fourthRound; j++) {
                    shift(0, shifter2, -1, 5);
                    shift(1, s1, -1, 5);
                    shift(2, s2, -1, 5);
                    shift(3, shifter1, -1, 5);
                    shift(4, s4, -1, 5);

                //This decodes the third round of shifting
                for (int j = 0; j < thirdRound; j++) {
                    shift(0, s3, -1, 3);
                    shift(1, s2, -1, 3);
                    shift(2, s4, -1, 3);

                //This decodes the secound round of shifting
                for (int j = 0; j < secondRound; j++) {
                    shift(0, s1, -1, 4);
                    shift(1, s2, -1, 4);
                    shift(2, s3, -1, 4);
                    shift(3, s4, -1, 4);

                //This reshifts the odd numbers by the "shifter2" value
                for (int j = 0; j < oddBound; j++) {
                    shift(1, shifter2, -1, 2);

                //This reshifts the even numbers by the "shifter1" value
                for (int j = 0; j < evenBound; j++) {
                    shift(0, shifter1, -1, 2);
        //This makes the numbers in the array into letters
        messagefinal = new String[message.length()];
        for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) {
            messagefinal[i] = Character.toString(arr[i]);
        //This prints out the final message
        if (decider == 1) {
            printMessage(0, message.length());
        } else if (decider == 2) {
            if (message.length() % 2 == 0) {
                printMessage(message.length() / 2, message.length());
                printMessage(0, message.length()/2);
            } else {
                printMessage((message.length() / 2) + 1, message.length());
                printMessage(0, (message.length()/2) + 1);


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