有 Java 编程相关的问题?



// scala code
    val nameHasUpperCase = name.exists(_.isUpperCase) 

In principle, such control abstractions are possible in Java as well. You’d need to define an interface that contains a method with the abstracted functionality. For instance, if you wanted to support querying over strings, you might invent an interface, named CharacterProperty, which has just one method, hasProperty: // this is Java

interface CharacterProperty { boolean hasProperty(char ch); }

With that interface you could formulate a method exists in Java: It takes a string and CharacterProperty and returns true if there’s a character in the string that satisfies the property. You could then invoke exists as follows:

//this is Java
 exists(name, new CharacterProperty() {
    public boolean hasProperty(char ch) { 
      return Character.isUpperCase(ch); }


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