有 Java 编程相关的问题?


java LWJGL让3D FPS相机跳跃




if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_SPACE) && !jumping
    && position.y >= temp) { //temp - floor height 
jumping = true;
gravity = (float) ((walkingSpeed * 0.00003) * delta);//delta - time
if (position.y < temp) { //In the air
    speed = speed + gravity;
    position.y = position.y + speed;
if (jumping) {
    speed = speed - (float) ((walkingSpeed * 0.0006) * delta);
    position.y = position.y + speed;
    jumping = false;
if (position.y > temp) //**Supposed** to solve the problem
    position.y = temp;

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    1. 你几乎所有的东西都有相反的标志
    2. 您正在测试的条件是总是评估为!jumping

    // Only start a jump while on the ground (position.y <= temp)
    if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_SPACE) && position.y <= temp) {
      speed = speed + (float) ((walkingSpeed * 0.0006));
      // Don't care about the delta time when you jump, just add a fixed amount of
      // positive vertical velocity (which gravity will work out over time).
    // You had gravity going the wrong direction initially
    gravity = (float) -((walkingSpeed * 0.00003) * delta);
    speed      = speed + gravity;
    position.y = position.y + speed;
    if (position.y < temp) { // Don't sink into the ground
      position.y = temp;
      speed      = 0.0; // Scrub off acceleration due to gravity