有 Java 编程相关的问题?


java Hibernate Envers请求更改对象列表




Contractor C is involved in the following projects: 
1. Furman street <Active>
2. Park West <Active> 
3. Central Train Station <Active>

有一天,用户将项目Park West从活动更改为已完成



    AuditReader reader = AuditReaderFactory.get(em);
    AuditQuery query = reader.createQuery().forRevisionsOfEntity(Contractor.class, false, true).add(AuditEntity.id().eq(objID));

    List<Contractor> contractors = query.getResultList(); 



public class Contractor implements Serializable 
     //fields... name, dates... 

     @OneToMany(mappedBy = "contractor")
     @JsonIgnoreProperties(value = {"contractor"}, allowSetters=true)
     @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE)
     private Set<ContractorProject> projects = new HashSet<>();  //this is a many to many relationship for a reason 


共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案



    SELECT p.id FROM Contractor c JOIN c.projects p WHERE c.id = :contractorId



    // you might want to check if this collection is empty
    // it should not be assuming you aren't removing data from the audit tables
    // but sometimes people archive data, so its best to be thorough
    List<Number> revs = reader.getRevisions( Contractor.class, contractorId );
    // The list of revisions are always in ascending order, so grab the last entry.
    Number maxRevision = revs.get( revs.size() - 1 );
    // Build the projection query
    // This returns us the list of project ids, just like the HQL above
    List projectIds = reader.createQuery()
       .forEntitiesAtRevision( Contractor.class, maxRevision )      
       .traverseRelation( "projects", JoinType.INNER )
       .addProjection( AuditEntity.property( "id" ).distinct() )
       .add( AuditEntity.id().eq( contractorId ) )


    for ( Object projectId : projectIds ) {
      List results = reader.createQuery()
         .forRevisionsOfEntity( Project.class, false, false )
         .add( AuditEntity.id().eq( projectId ) )
         .addOrder( AuditEntity.revisionNumber().asc() );
      // At this point you have an list of object array values 
      // Index 0 - This is the instance of Project 
      // Index 1 - This is the revision entity, you can get the rev # and timestamp
      // Index 2 - Type of revision, see RevisionType
      // So you can basically iterate the list in ascending order keeping track of
      // the prior Project and build a changeset for each project.
      // This approach is often more efficient if you're needing to compare multiple
      // attributes on an entity rather than issuing a query to the database for 
      // each change made to a single property.


      // Index 0 - This is the instance of Project 
      // Index 1 - This is the revision entity, you can get the rev # and timestamp
      // Index 2 - Type of revision, see RevisionType
      // Index 3 - Array of properties changed at this revision
