
2024-06-01 07:01:55 发布

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如果我在app.yaml文件中设置threadsafe: true,那么控制何时创建新实例以服务于请求,而不是在现有实例上创建新线程的规则是什么?在



Tags: 文件实例iotrueapp应用程序yaml规则

If I set threadsafe: true in my app.yaml file, what are the rules that govern when a new instance will be created to serve a request, versus when a new thread will be created on an existing instance?


If I have an app which performs something computationally intensive on each request, does multi-threading buy me anything? In other words, is an instance a multi-core instance or a single core?


Or, are new threads only spun up when existing threads are waiting on IO?




if processing more than N concurrent requests (today N=10): false
elif exceeding the soft memory limit: false
elif exceeding the instance class CPU limit: false
elif warming up: false
else true




为实例类设置threadsafe: true(Python)或<threadsafe>true</threadsafe>(Java)将不允许在单个实例上并行处理多个CPU绑定请求。在

如果您没有完全绑定到CPU或执行I/O,Python和Java运行时将生成新线程,用threadsafe: true处理最多10个并发请求

还要注意,即使Go运行时是单线程的,它也支持并发请求: 它将为每个请求生成1个goroutine,并在goroutine执行I/O时在goroutine之间提供控制


Jeff Schnitzer: Is there still a hard limit of 10 threads?

Yes, but probably not for the reason you expect. The primary issue we run into is memory management. If we raised the default to 100, many apps would then see out-of-memory deaths (more than they do now), and these deaths show up differently for python/java/go. The right path forward is more intelligent algorithms wrt memory, providing configurability, and so on. This is an example of the kinds of projects we work on for the scheduler, but as with any team we have to prioritize our projects. I'd recommend filing this (or any other desired scheduler enhancements) on the public issue tracker so they can get feedback/data/votes.

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